Chat Room (TLPTV2)

Lol poor Gary :confused:


Hey @IronSoldier16 how are you?:hugs:

Still better to be the little guy :grimacing:

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And still think the real funny thing about this movie is, that all this batman people go and watch it, getting a once in their live time experience :joy:

@jrtrussell hurry up and finally watch’m!

It felt just like dark knight though
It had the same feel to me

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Go to sleep @framos1792 :face_with_raised_eyebrow::upside_down_face:

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Whoaaaaaaa how did you see me? :exploding_head:
Oh wait the like :sweat_smile:

I was gonna say what a stalkerrrr I had just gotten up lol

How are you, weirdo? :grin:
Anyway can you blame me? :innocent:

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I’m good, sleep well last night…

it’s 3 am what are you doin?

Heeeey thats great to hear :grin: I wonder if hearing some things helped(?) :innocent:

Oh happy birthday to your friend! :partying_face: how old is this one? :crazy_face:

I mighta fallen asleep on the couch :sweat_smile: I woke up to move…and uhhh My bat senses alerted me to you missing the Batman since it was the topic again of your joke :roll_eyes::smirk: lol

Thank you! Why do you need that info? If you will know that you will write about it in your notebook? :stuck_out_tongue:

Had one curel joke about batman, but keep that one for myself, or for tomorrow lol

:smile: see, so thoughtful that I remember, how niceeeee :innocent:
No costume party(?) :joy:

For my diary :nerd_face:

See exactlyyyy
A good stalker covers all basic information Hehe
You would know though… it appears you’re the one that keeps a collection of batman themed things in her possession :stuck_out_tongue: not that I’m complaining lol

Lol she says hiding the 1001 non cruel, probably “Batman is the best” ones she has :laughing:

Edit: Ps I think we should continue the talk we were having last night :relaxed: I feel I need to hear more of your thoughts

It’s soooo windy today…I can’t be bothered to go out of the house! Haha


Hi there, anyone here?

Now I am…

Batman! My arch enemy. How are you? :smiling_imp:

It’s been a long day haha
How about for you?

Too much work today?

It’s been good but now I’m debating myself some things, idk what to do to be honest.

Umm…yes work but some shit going on because of the fight I had

What to do about what?
