@framos1792 Btw its not nice talking behind somebody’s back
But I wasn’t
I was just having a conversation with my buddy while you got home
If we waited to continue the conversation with you, we’d be waiting for hours I know
Ohh poor guys
You know you can make vege meal form every meal (ALMOST! lol) quesadilla, tacos, (chimichanga is my fav word lol ) carpaccio …
Edit: carpaccio is Italian
Ya boi is here for the sauce
and by sauce I mean the 7000th post of course
we close
we mad close
70 more posts
oof now 69
yuh yuh yuh yuh
sauce sauce sauce sauce
oof oof oof oof
gang gang my bois
somebody has got to be watching rn
thinking they can steal the 7k post from me
who would it be?
I know lpfan and alz like to try and steal these posts from me
chigo could be watching from the bushes as well