Chat Room (TLPTV2)

I can see Kirk cousins :thinking:

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My sisters friend once thought an old pic of my grandfather was me :thinking:

That happens :sweat_smile: me and bro are spitty images

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True. I used to look more like my bro when we were younger but we’ve grown to look different. Now people say I look more like my dad and my bro is more like my mom. Which is funny because my grandfather that my sisters friend thought I looked like is on my moms side.

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@anngelenee talk here instead(?) :joy:

I mean us lol as opposed to the other place
I mean since you have time here :crazy_face:


So…what do you mean? :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol No need to yell :roll_eyes:

I only meant that you like that artwork :grin:
I figured it was personal so you’d kick ass to keep it to yourself :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Anyway what’s been going on with you? :blush: how are things going there? You haven’t been on much

Ps your video is unavailable over here :joy:

I’m not yelling

I like that artwork but there’s the difference between my av and the cup :stuck_out_tongue:

Hard days at work, I hope it’s eding today because last two weeks was terrible…

So get the tunnel bear :stuck_out_tongue:

Well yeah lol I still thought the same collection would feel personal :joy:

So I’m closer to getting my own ass kicked (cough cough likely)

Ouch… is it likely to end today? :blush:
They have been bad for all I think lol or most…
home life has to be better then though :muscle:t3::grin:

Which is that? I’m an innocent little kid
You have to teach me your criminal ways lol

Type type type
No wonder the letter takes so long :joy::yum:

I’m telling you about inspections, they drag them from week to week…

Sooo yeah, bye :joy::wave:t4:
It’s illegal to watch the vid lol

Don’t push your luck Frank :upside_down_face:

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I wonder what it is you did to get in trouble :joy::stuck_out_tongue:

Oof lol
Heeeey you’re supposed to be helpful :joy:
It tweaked my phone :rofl:

Aren’t you already pushing yours annita? :sweat_smile:
You know I’m messing around even if there’s a grain of truth there :joy:

Im only saying we’ve been having small talk for an hour because I’m poking :yum:

I’m not in trouble but the inspections are stressful :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh ok, I see you wanna see the guy from my post in this vid so bad :joy: download that or any vpn app


I guess I just haven’t met someone so consumed and dedicated to her job :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
They’re lucky to have you there :muscle:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

Lol no that’s why I gave up :joy: plus I realized you were just being…:drooling_face: over him lol

I get that a lot :joy:
Except I’m just speaking truth… don’t you think?
Yes…you’re right I have luck and have been very lucky…True I’m pushing it
But it’s a two way street and both cars need to not push it and be decent :wink:

I’ve said before the softness is there for a reason :black_heart:
Because it makes it worth it
Ifffff it’s a two way street as I said :grin:

No I’m not

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Ok ok but even you said you had a crush
What’s wrong with that?

Also I did keep writing up there :point_up:t3: I hope you don’t skip it, it’s important :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Nothing…thank you, now l can drolling in solitude :upside_down_face:

Don’t start that again…

:joy: by choice :confused:
I’m totally down to keep you company :joy:

I keep messing this up so I said the wrong word before, now it was a bad emoji :thinking: should I say… entranced(?) :sweat_smile:
It’s the guys that drool :grin:

Why? Isn’t it only reasonable?

It seem like you like him too

Hey, JK don’t go :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Who wouldn’t? Lol
Light skinned dark haired polish?
Fits the description up to there :joy::joy::joy:

I mean…true he stops hitting my check marks at that point… what with the whole guy thing lol but you get my drift :upside_down_face:

:rofl: no ones going anywhere you dork,
I just had to check and see how the little bear was doing

Sighhh I think you confuse me with you :yum:
Going away from the difficult things :crazy_face: