Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

true, that’s why I only studied the basics

and I wish you all the best in your continued quest to fully comprehend the English language and grammar

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Wow! True American is speaking :joy:

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Yeah, thanks.

I guess that’s impossible since all the little (small?) changes that exist in each city :man_shrugging: I’ll never be able to fully understand English, but well, I will have to comfort me with the basic rules.

you can understand English, slang isn’t truly part of the language and you dont need to understand it to understand the language

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But you can learn to interpret it.
Not by textbook, but through movies, different interviews on YouTube… and the fishs rambling.

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True, But still you have to know a bit of everything. People in USA talks with Slang so I should know the basic to communicate with them.

If someone says something like I’mma call ya, I should know what I could ask to that.

It’s like in Spanish, it’s no necessary to understand our Slang, bit you have to know what can you say or not.

Be quiet it’s not exactly the best you can do.

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I tried it before. They only confused me with the variations of pronunciations, meanings, words, etc.

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lol idk if I would call that slang chief

Despite the fear of making a fool out of yourself, ask.

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Lmao, then we have something in common after all. :joy:

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:joy: :rofl:

I’m assuming you meant the likes bec you pull up here like once a month Chief.

Who said it had to be here that the grinding was done? :upside_down_face:

Hellooooooooo!! We good?

The conversation was in reference to activity on the forum chief

Three days! :flushed:
What happened to this most popular of topics?
A tragedy! So sad! :weary:

I know it’s cos I’m not around :rofl::rofl:

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The forums have been corrupted since @jrtrussell joined. Shame really, we had something good going for a while too. :joy:


True. Gosh I hate that guy

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