Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

Of what we are talking about

when used in terms of someone smashing someone else it means to have sex with

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Nah, let’s do something more interesting.

:flushed: never heard, thanks

Lol who set that definition (?) Ok.

Beat him up would be the right term, right?

beat him up would make much more sense

or you could say she slammed him into something like the floor or a wall

I prefer the first one.

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Hm, that sounds way more sexual then smashing. But if you say so.
You were his wife, right?

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: you got a dirty mind

and nah, im his gf. fran isn’t married (at least to my knowledge)

Who started this?
I’m just curios about the right usage of words. I already stumbled in some nasty traps.

im just saying if you read slamming into something as sexual then you’re into some dirty stuff :man_shrugging:

im just here to educate

Yeah, bored @IronSoldier16 away

the man is afraid of knowledge

remember we established this, he views learning as punishment

Oh, you got that right

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I hardly ever understand you. That’s why I said speak basic English :man_shrugging:

Actually I have work to do :upside_down_face:

*broken english

? I don’t get it

and that was basic English right there

I was correcting you