Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA


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I can vote? :face_with_monocle: this is new :partying_face::crazy_face:



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If it’s for me, yes. Otherwise not :v


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For me? :innocent:


You @anngelenee are here so not nobody :crazy_face: plus @anomalia has been hanging out :grin:

Edit: type type type :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit:hurry! I’m falling asleep :sleeping:

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Oh, maybe I didn’t notice @anomalia because you answering on all these spam in almost every thread rn :stuck_out_tongue:

Typing typing…I should delete the post and write it again… :rofl: :smiling_imp:

Oh well it’s me trying to get as many topics claimed before others wake up :crazy_face:

Then people replying is like me plugging a hole in the levee with fingers :crazy_face:

Spam? :pleading_face: I work hard on my replies :triumph::stuck_out_tongue:

So, you wouldnt able to reply on all these posts… or just f *** it…just make the all nighter…the river will not turn back :stuck_out_tongue:

…and…hey! and dont rush me! :upside_down_face: :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


The whole forum will be full of Framos :raised_hands:t4: :sunny:

Score :white_check_mark: you fell asleep

I liiiiiiive 🧟‍♂️

Maybe :thinking:
Jk no :joy:
Been without much rest :crazy_face:

Your “score!” makes me think you we’re taking long on purpose so I’d fall asleep :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Don’t make me start poking ribs to rush you :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Your nightmare? :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy::joy::joy:

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Yeah, thats my plan :nerd_face:

it’s 2:25 … you’re zombie

Nah, my daydream :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :exploding_head:


Im nocturnal :bat: lol

There’s this old Mexican song that says “I’m a son of the early morning”
Used to love it because in Spanish it Sounds like son of a b :joy:
As a kid it was my way of cussing :joy: idk why I remembered it right now (or why I’m saying :crazy_face:)

:flushed::joy: I’ve been away too long :joy: maybe that was key :face_with_monocle::joy:
I wonder what would happen if I leave longer :thinking::smiling_imp::smirk::joy:

I win :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
You went to take a nap :joy::joy::joy:

I voted for HAMMY!!!

:point_right:t3: Poke poke :crazy_face:


:joy: is myyyyy nickname hammy now? :star_struck:

You aint that cool!!