Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

Copying is the greatest compliment you can get :star_struck:

No, the greatest compliment I can get is one I won’t tell you :stuck_out_tongue:


:thinking: :pig2:


This is not the last letter game :upside_down_face:

Pig and lost, don’t fit
I’m lost :thinking:

Does that have to make sense? :upside_down_face: why? :thinking:


I’m always here chief

Ja, ja :lying_face:

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I speak the truth

Just bec I don’t say anything doesn’t mean I’m not here

I prefer to lurk in the background

Then stand up! Defend yourself :muscle:

What am I defending myself from?

What a lie! :roll_eyes:

Y’all stay doubting me

Always, man.

I pull up multiple times a day Chief. Gotta keep my streak alive