Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

And thats final

Down Bessie :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

the quarantine is getting to him :man_facepalming:

He’s always been this way though I admit I do fear for his llamas

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I fear for much more than his llamas


No. I’ve always been like this :upside_down_face:

They’re super fine! :ok_hand: don’t worry.

Why? I won’t do anything bad t othem :upside_down_face:

Morning all

Its been three days

So boring!


The squirrel fish is lazy

And you? :thinking:

It’s his thread. He claims he can run it all by himself, but how’s that going? :upside_down_face:

It’s @IronSoldier16 s thread
Squirrly fish had his closed nice and neat.

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This man been gone so long he forgot which thread is which :man_facepalming:


Maybe I had some bad oregano and forgot. :rofl:

All oregano is bad oregano my guy

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