Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

Maybe I prefer the shadows as well

I don’t claim to be a true grinder like him though. :upside_down_face: I’m just a sad little eeyore remember? :joy:

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Oh come on, you’ve grown into the rabbit lmao

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Nah bro, you’re still piglet.

Say what you want we all know I’m flipping tigger! Wohoohoohoooooo! I bring the ffuh in fuhn :crazy_face:

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Good good! We need the whole gang here all at once! Just sometimes hard with the time differences! Haha


7 days


All onions are busy with nothing atm, please try our servers again later.

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Ok, our servers indicate that 2 local onions (@framos1792 & @jrtrussell) are no longer busy helping associates. They are at your service.


Aye. I’m always here. Available to help.

I see we both got our regular badges back as well. :sunglasses:

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With so little contribution :exploding_head:

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The forum loves us, what can we say. :joy: :sunglasses:

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And I try so hard and get so far, but in the end it doesn’t even matter.




:shushing_face: silent night :notes:

Lmao. I like the name change


There you are :upside_down_face: