Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

You should start counting sheep :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :yawning_face: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sleeping: :sleeping:

I should…but… :innocent:
I’m watching typing…typing…typing… :relaxed:

Thought so :joy:

Then don’t send me to bed :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This man disappears for 38 years then pops back up acting like he owns the place

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Since you don’t, I might as well :unamused:
Good kid though, there’s one :partying_face:

Is that all? Your threats aren’t even a challenge anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Says the guy that has no words
Right now you have nothing to say pendejo, you let the forum down :triumph:

The forums depend on more than just me alone to speak. :stuck_out_tongue: :upside_down_face: And I’ll say something when I have something to say. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is much more lively


He sure got you all popping in so. :woman_shrugging:

I’m maybe stupid enough to not take the dogs with me. But not that much.
Sheep lamb when it is quiet. So mostly at night. If there is a problem, it could be hours, till help is there.
So my boss is consequently doing nothing with the flock in the morning. And it actually works, they lamb mostly all at that time.
That’s why I let the dogs at home at the first control, to not trouble the sheep.
But this night one sheep died and lie in the fence.
So two of the naughty lambs used this to crawl out to the fresh pasture.
I chased them back.
Then I had to drag the dead sheep 100 m to the car. I just could manage, but didn’t get her lifted in. So I looked for somthing to hide her under, so no bypassing person would get into shock.
Later I came back with the trailer, I could drag her up the ramp.
So, no unicorn slippers.

See, that is much talking! :woman_facepalming: :crazy_face:

I’m wearing banana socks. Idk if that counts

With bananas on it? :open_mouth:
Or shaped like one?

Aren’t all socks sorta shaped like bananas?

If you squint your eyes a bit

You just say, your feet look like bananas? :flushed:

If I squint


Socks are long and skinny with a slight curve like a banana. I rest my case

This socks have a fish mouth :fish:

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Helllllooooo Forum!!

The forum says hi back

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