CD Pack of 4 LPU Albums arrived!

Just returned from the post office and -22°C temp. outside…
Got my CD Pack of 4 Archived Hard to Find LPU Albums!!
Amazingly happy!
Did you get yours??

And here they are

I got mine too. I finally got them !!

There was also a guitar pick in the package. nice surprise, yea?

I got mine really happy and the a thousand suns guitar pick is awesome

Yeah, it was a great surprise.

I not got my LPU11 package, items from bravadousa, also I do not hope to receive this…

my own recently was sent on Monday.
so I’ll have to wait 2 weeks.

Nice one :slight_smile: I wasnt lucky enough to get one so obviously it hasnt arrived ;D

[quote=Sergei Tkachenko][/quote]
I assume You got it with UPS?

Anyone from Germany already got his or her package ?

no :frowning: I hope the cds arrive soon!

[quote=Sergei Tkachenko]Just returned from the post office and -22°C temp. outside…
Got my CD Pack of 4 Archived Hard to Find LPU Albums!!
Amazingly happy!
Did you get yours??[/quote]
Quickly. Congrats! I don’t hope to receive so soon.

got mine too! got it very fast though, 2 days after i made my payment. UPS FTW. But the 33 euro costs was kinda =/

You mean … you actually don’t want to get your package as soon as possible ? [eek]

No. I mean that russian post is very slooooow. ((=

hi where do u live and when was ur package send and have u take the 10 dollar shippment because my was send at 27 january and i take the 10 dollar shippment

[quote=Nex]No. I mean that russian post is very slooooow. ((=

I think he takes the UPS shipment which is faster but more expensive. I think the USPS service will take two weeks to germany like the LPU package.

It only taked one week with the US Postal Service to Belgium. I was really amazed.

i wait since a week i hope it comes next week i took 14 dollar usps shippmen