Can you touch your shoulders?

A: I was babysitting my friends kid for a weekend while she was off to an important family thing. It was typical Dutch weather that weekend, lots of rain. But I forgot my boots. Since my friend would pass my house on her return, I requested her to pick up my boots on her way.

Me and the kid had just started dinner when she showed up, without carrying a bag or whatsoever. When I asked her if she was able to get my boots, she responded in shock. She claimed she had forgotten the bag with my boots in the bus. I was hyperventilating. I love my boots. The thought of them unattended in a bus was nerve wrecking. I was about to dial the number of the Bus company to report my lost boots when she said… “JUST KIDDING”.

I had my revenge 2 weeks later. It was weekend again. Stores were about to close and they would stay closed for the rest of the week due to some strike. She asked me to buy her a large pack of tobacco and filters on my way to hers. When I quietly entered her house, I sneaked into the hallway closet and hid the tobacco and filters in one of her winter coats. Then I walked into the living room, giving them a scare cause they didn’t hear me enter the house. And then when she asked me if I had her tobacco for her I acted as if she had never asked me to get her any. She started to freak out. The stores were closed, so she would have to go without smoking for a week. I waited for a few hours before revealing that her tobacco was hidden in the closet the entire time :slight_smile:

Revenge is nice…

Q: Ever had inappropriate feelings for a co-worker/boss or classmate/teacher?

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A: Seriously? Get lost in you and your fantasies:

Q: How easily do you lose your temper?

A: Pretty easily, but I try my best to keep cool.

Q: Do you find optical illusions interesting?

That was my reason too :laughing: Though my one hasn’t changed :confused:

A: Sometimes

Q: Do you like riddles?

A: Not always but they’re fun.

Q: Did you know there are kitkats you can put in the microwave?

A: Strictly speaking there’s nothing to stop you from putting any kitkat in a microwave lol

Q: Is the top half of your bed littered with small blood stains? (weird question, I know).

A: Ewww. no.

Q: why is your bed littered with blood stains?

A: I’ve got a load of spots all over my back that end up bursting in the night. Or if they don’t burst during the night they burst during the day so my vests have them too :joy:

Q: Do you have a strong stomach?

A: Oh wow, sounds painful but to answer the question; I have a strong stomach to a certain degree.

Q: Favorite tea flavor?

A: I don’t like tea at all! It makes me sick :confused:

Q: Doughnuts or donuts?

A: Aren’t they the same?

Q: Hot Dog or Bratwurst?

I meant the spelling…

A: Tough, I like both. But I’ll go with bratwurst right now.

Q: Is there a specific restaurant that’s so damn good you’ve tried their entire menu?

A: Depends if you consider KFC a restaurant :stuck_out_tongue: I do love chicken… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Q: If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would it be?

A bank robbery in Fort knox.,hope I get not caught by cia cause of the words connection lol
Q How often you didn´t told the truth today?

A: I haven’t lied in a long while actually.

Q: Strippes or plaid?

A: Mes dont care bear

Q: Dos yous likes carey beary?

A: If the care bear is actually a Mike Shinoda hiding under a costume then yeah I do, otherwise not really lol.

Q: With how many pillows do you sleep?

A: 5

Q: Do you sleep with curtains open or closed?

A: With the blinds shut and the curtains closed. I need complete darkness.

Q: Is there a toy/stuffed animal you are attached to since a very young age?

A: Pink Panther was my plushie when I was a kid, I still have him in a box somewhere

Q: Do you feel in control of your personal info online?