Can you touch your shoulders?

Lol, that’s not what I had in mind. I assumed you guys would calculate them

who calculates who? I don´t understand andd post just to be important, have not understand pl explain, what were you´re figguring out,!!! and eveen more immportant, when it is over? Who gives the sign that I got it?

You calculate your own post per day count by working out the number of days you’ve been a member since you joined:

And then divide your post count by that number.

As for your challenge, it ends this evening.

so fast? what a shit, can´t I get it lil longer, I´m getting a lil empathy for ass******** did I do it right way, master? @the_termin8r1

So you want to lie for longer? Or is that a lie in itself?

how should i answer without not lying no idea its a challenge post above UNDERSTAND?? :tired_face:

It’s not easy is it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

and you cry tears cause of my sweat, be honest, but wait and see whos the next tagged one @the_termin8r1

A: I am not a fan of chocolate, but if I had to choose, I would go with milk chocolates.

Q: Which is the best decade of music? Esp Rock Music.

A: That’s a tough one! Hmmm…Firstly, I think it’s worth mentioning Elvis since the '50s marked the birth of rock and roll. We have the '60s with The Beatles and Hendrix and Dylan and The Rolling Stones, Led Zepp, The Who and a bunch of others I’m probably forgetting right now. The '70s with Joplin, Pink Floyd, Lennon, The Bee Gees, Deep purple, Black Sabbath… '80s with The Police, U2, Beastie Boys and the '90s with Metallica and R.E.M. and the Chili Peppers, to the '00s with LP, Green Day, Muse, A7X…
It’s really impossible to choose an era. Each one had so many important artists that played a huge role to the music industry. Without any of them, music wouldn’t be what it is today.

Q: When did you become really interested in music? (Not necessarily playing it, looking up bands and stuff way more than you did before and staying up to date with news)

A: I was 12 years old and I had 5 songs on my phone: Not Afraid & Lose Yourself by Eminem, Smeels Like Teen Spirit & In Bloom by Nirvana and Burn it Down by LP. Interesting, first artist is a rapper, second is a grunge band (but at that time it was just a rock band to me) and then comes LP, band which has both rapping and rock music. And that’s how it started…

Q: Any plans for tomorrow?

A: No, I gotta go to work and then start to learn my thesis for Thursday’s presentation.

Q: The one thing you dread the most about Mondays?

A: Having to do last min assignments

Q: Am I the only one who thinks fog is really really cool?

@EvoOba shares a fair few opinions with me :blush:

1 Like

Haha, true true. Won’t answer your q since you know the answer already lol. I’ll leave it for someone else.

A: It’s foggy outside right now, but that’s because it’s raining very heavily right now.

Q: What is the worst time of the day for it rain, in your opinion?

A: When I’m at school, cause I like walking in rain and at school I can’t do it :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: IOS/Windows Phone/Android? Which have you? Tell me name of your phone! :smiley:

A iphone called my baby
Q what have you done last evenig?

A: Killed time on my ps3, ate, watched tv, went to bed

Q: Morning routine?

A: Coffee, catharsis of becomming a human beeing with music and you on the lpu, [otwhere is the compliment in ya last post buddie @the_termin8r1 ]

Q: nices compliment you ever got, even as child…answer like “I never get compliments” are forbidden!

Oops, must have missed it:

Here are 2 to compensate

@BELL_LP is fellow fan of Red
@everyone is always nice to me :blush:


…that mattered/meant anything to me

Q: Most annoying person in your life?