Can you touch your shoulders?

A: House rents

Q: Do you wear a piece of jewelry?

A: If you can call a piece of black leather string with a treble clef hanging off it a piece of jewellery, then yeah.

Q: Do you?

3 days maybe? I’ve got like £40 tops in my account lol

I know this isn’t aimed at me, but no.

Q: Do you wear pajamas or do you sleep in your underwear?

A1: No.

A2: Will it suffice if I say that both the options are wrong?

Q: Are we allowed to repeat questions? (@evooba :eyes:)

Wait, I’m lost…


A: Sure? We’ve done it before :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: 3 misplaced things around you right now.

A: Few pages of document that i was to supposed to read but you guys aren’t allowing me to. My pillow, and my phone - I don’t know where both are gone. They are not misplaced, they are lost I guess.

Q: What time do you go to bed, and when do you get up?

My sanity, my sense of humor and the want to do something useful. AKA I feel like crap today and I’ve no idea why.

Lights out is 23:00 for me but when I actually fall asleep is random. As for waking up, on non college days I’d say around 9:00. Any later than 9:30 and I’ll probably get in trouble any earlier than 8 and I’d get in trouble. When I have college (Tue-Thu) it’s 8:30 Tue and Wed, 8:00 on Thu

Q: What do your parents think about your friends?

This question is invalid for me, so I will allow others to join in & reply.

Ok, I’ll modify it: What did your parents think of your friends when you were in your late teens?

*your :smiley:

A: That they were a bad influence. (This was applicable only when I was a teenager, not even into later years).

Q: Will you leave/let go of a friend just because someone else didn’t approve of them?

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A: I don’t have friends, but no

Q: Do you remember your first love? How old were you? :smiley:

Ah, thanks for the correction

To be able to let go you need to have some in the first place.

I haven’t got anything to ask…

ot hey guys it´s me jumping in, seemed to be a realy nice afterrnoon here on LPXIV anyone heard anythingLPUXV there was onlyy a twitter post from lorenzo, that they are buisy on it?

A No way NEER
Q Do you trust in your own believes/ value systems and living them

A1: I was 21

A2: Not really. Kids here are taught to live and believe in certain things from a very young age and when they grow up and some of them decide to not follow those paths (which is understandable) they’re being judged, called some pretty nasty stuff, etc. So, I just think that everyone should be allowed to believe and value whatever they feel like and not what other people tried to brainwash them with.

Q: Do you celebrate your name? Like, do you have a name’s day?

Ah, so I’m not the only one :grinning: Mine is on the 7th of June and my B-day in on the 7th of March. I forgot both occasions the last 3 times lol

Q: What about yours @EvoOba

(ot totally agreeing but I meant your own adult personality with my question, and a bit like how you proof your values)
ot 2 so whats ab a meeting wherever, the country isn´t too big, when you really come for a visit, and if you like we manage everything@amitrish is even planning a europee tour, it´s a nice vision to e together withtaugh oldiers from the heardt tough, on two or three European tours, p. rem, I said vision, mb a visit to get known each other wouldn´t be bad, maybe as 2 year plan, and 5 year plan summit we soldiers active here at the summit wherever, call me crazy but I can visionizing (riht word#? understandlbly?)
no answer cause concentrate on the essenz or me

Name’s day is March 25th, birthday is May 15th.

Not sure if this is what you’re asking but I believe in a free and equal world.

About the trip, I’m just saying I’d like to visit again, not sure when and if that’s gonna happen. But till then, we’ll see.

How do u even know ur name day? My name is like one of the most commonest names.

Not sure how or if it’s celebrated anywhere else but here name days are connected with religion, so for example, if X saint is celebrated on Y day then the person that has X saint’s name celebrates their name on that day. (Names that deprive from mythology or are old Greek don’t have name days. Mine actually doesn’t have one, I just celebrate it in honor of my grandma cause she used to celebrate hers).

@samuel_the_leader I think yours is August 20th.

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A: bunnies

Q: do you listen to our lady peace and if so what is your favorite song by them.