Can you touch your shoulders?

I can’t play either, nor can I sing, I just like the drums.

A: 3 hrs from posting this I was at the start of Interstellar (which is a complete mind screw film as it lacks logic and is full of contradictions)

Q: What is the least known band that you know? (Personally I’d say ‘Blindspott / Blacklistt’ [depending on which name you might know them by] or ‘Like a storm’ - Both are bands from NZ).


A: Hmmm… Funeral For A Friend I think. I still haven’t found someone who knows them.
Q: Would you compete against Mike in a “who’s gonna eat the most cookies” competition or not cause you know Mike would beat you?

A funeral for a friend sounds familiar but I can’t say that I’ve heard of them for sure.

A: YES! I was once so hungry that I consumed a whole 17" pizza in one stint over a time space of half an hour.

Q: Do you like to say things just for pure shock factor (like me lol)?


A: Yes, cause of the different, sometimes funny reactions

Q: Vegetarian or carnivore?

A: MEAT EATERS UNITE \m/ though omnivores are the best. I’m an omnivore

Q 1: What’s your dream job? (Automotive engineer / TG presenter [though I’d never ever live up to Jezza, Hamster and Slow] for me).

Q 2 (before I forget what I want to ask for the 5th time): Is there an LP album that you didn’t like upon release but has really grown on you over time? (For me THP was like that).


A1: At a record label as a manager or directly with an artist (I don’t care if it’s gonna be a on-the-road job or at an office as long as I am doing what I love).
A2: Living Things

Q: What do you enjoy about LP as individuals apart from the music and art?

A: The fact that all the guys are really cool and actually care about the fans.

Go to Papercut take 1:

Q: Should LP fans be called anythting other than ‘Soldiers’

I was thinking along the lines of ‘Hahn’s homies’ or ‘Brad’s bitches’ :laughing:


A: Haha Chazzy’s Cats! There was a Fort Minor Militia 10 years ago, but that was a different thing altogether

Q: How many electronic devices have u unintentionally/intentionally destroyed? (@the_termin8r1 I know u have historic tendency for violence)

Lol, I was pissed off twice by my mum. Otherwise I’m a very calm person, I hardly ever lose my temper and almost never panic.

-A pair of really bad earphones that came with something that I can’t remember. They were so bad that the plastic scratched the part of my ear that comes into contact with them.

-An old broken discman, though in my defence I was about 8, I also happened to get zapped by something (a capacitor I’m assuming).


  • One of my PS3 remotes. It was falling apart (from the countless times it’s been knocked off of tables) so I thought I might try to fix it, except the casing was so stubborn that I accidentally tore one of the battery wires clean off when I tried to pry the casing open. I would have soldered it back on but I’d also somehow managed to tear off one of the SMT resistors so I couldn’t fix that either. Rather ironically I discovered that a Sony remote uses a Toshiba IC lol.

Q: How many times have you tried to fix something but only ended up making it worse or it took so long that you just gave up on it?


A: Only once.I tried to read “Gone with the Wind” :stuck_out_tongue: If you start something and dont finish it, I think that shows the lack of commitment, which just like Darth Vader, I find disturbing.

Q: How long (in number of posts) do you think this post will go?

[OT: @the_termin8r1 your joke was way overrated. I do understand some people may find that offensive, I think it was just lame. All the best for next time.]

It wasn’t one I made up, a friend forwarded it to me from somewhere, the only reason I was so cautious with it is because in modern society people bitch about everything and take offence from trivial things.

A: I’m guessing 180-200

Q: What 3 sounds irritate you most in the world?

For me:
Magnum ice cream wrappers - they make a really annoying high pitched sqweak when you open them
Dubstep - I just can’t listen to it and don’t see it as music
Noisy eaters - make my skin crawl, so I usually eat alone (which I much prefer, solitude is freedom).


How about Chazzy Chaz’s chummy chums? Or just Chazzy Chaz’s chums? :joy:

Or Bourdie’s boys / Dave’s dudes.

The list of possibilities for cringe worthy names is near endless. :laughing:


A: I probably dont care much about the noises that things make, but I hate to hear toddlers/babies cry. That’s something I can live without :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: Where’s everybody today?

A: No idea, I’m here all the time (literally, I’ve always got this open in a tab).

Q: What is you most prized possession that isn’t another human or an animal?


Trying not to comment much, let others reply as well (plus, I’m having trouble finding good questions).

A: Brad’s guitar pick. He means a lot to me for many reasons and to have something he used to play is like… it’s just powerful. I love that pick.

Q: What do you think the “special announcement” Mike’s making in a few hours on the radio is gonna be about?

A: Your Life is Too Valuable to Waste Chasing Possessions.

edited for appropriate audience

Q: Who was/is your first crush? You have to name one you have actually met, not just an actor or a sportsperson etc.

Ok I’ll try.

“Don’t you have other things to do?”
Clearly not, it’s the summer holidays and as usual they are pure crap.

“Is your life so empty that you honestly can’t think of a better way to spend these moments?”
Yes it is actually. Reading that pic gave me something to do. Also, I think of plenty of things to do but it’s usually money and/or my parents that stop me. Not to mention that the UK is one of the most boring places on Earth.

I’m the sort of person who gets bored really easily.


You have got to be kidding me! Best place ever!!

Not when you live here. For tourists maybe, but otherwise it’s soooooooooo boring.


Lived in London for a few years, visited again many times after I moved back here. Still my favorite place on earth. There’s always stuff to do and see. Oh and, I love the weather (most people don’t).