Can you touch your shoulders?

Remind me to take pictures. I intended to and got lazy

I did it day one, and haven’t had issues like that, but have had other issues that I believe are specific to my computer.

I remember seeing screenshots of this game all the time years ago

Blue and black are my favorite colors

Q: Would you rather be bored or tired?

A: tired, hen I’ll fall asleep ;D

Q: are you half of anything?

Half cool, half awesome

@intheend Dye your hair if you really want to. It’s not gonna last though. I recently dyed mine dark blue (about a month ago) and now it’s all gone and I’m back to my natural color. (And yeah, I had to bleach them, aka dye them blonde, before adding the dark blue).

A: How would you react if I told you that we’re playing hide and seek right now at work (at 8:27am)?

hide and seek you with your supervisor or with some funny guys arround?

Some of the workers are on a strike so the rest of us (aka, kids doing their internship) were strolling the hallways, having our coffee and enjoying our freedom before the strike ends but like 10m ago people started to come upstairs demanding we take part in the strike (we can’t) so our supervisors told us to lock ourselves up in our offices and not let anyone see us. LOL, it’s pretty hilarious.

[ot great thing, so make yourself invisible for how long? and whats the strike for? it´s like in playschool lol :relaxed:

For 2 more hours. Not exactly sure what the strike is about, but they want to sell the company and naturally the employees are against it, so part of it is about that.

hard politic stuff these day, the whole european thing, not only greek, but the refugees at our borders, without going to deep in, it´s an extreme sit at the moment, but: ENJOY your coffee and gonna get in a big cupboard, that´s a very good place for hide and seek… :smirk:

I’m not even 16… I’m from '99, but I have my birthday in November, co I’m still 15, ha.

No, but W10 is a flat out pisstake and should be avoided at all costs. W8.1 took me 8 hours to download and install which I really don’t get.


But it’s just a pic of a mouse. What’s there to play?

Oh, lol

Q: How many games (and only games) you you have on your phone?

A: Only one (due to limited space). I have 6 or 7 on my tablet (And I only play one of them lol).

Q: Do you recall your dreams or not?

98. And that’s after slowly deleting some to make room for other stuff

A: yea, more than some. Like now, I was dreaming about alien, how fun! -.- (sarcastic)

Q: can you control your dreams? ;-;

A: Sometimes. I find myself waking up in the middle of dream and I will myself back to sleep and surprisingly the dream continues.

Q: Don’t you hate it when it’s raining and the sun is out?

A: Happened quite a few times. The sunlight was still so hot. My aunts says she’ll get a headache if she goes out in that kind of weather.

Q: What about hailstones during summer?

A: Not sure, we never get such a thing. Our summer is completely dry.

Q: Least favorite month and why?

#A: I don’t know if I have a least favorite month… I do however like the word because the shortest month ;D

#Q: what is yours and why? I also like June because of my second favorite number :3

A: I don’t have a fav either

Q: @intheend ?gnitirw evissam eht htiw pots esaelp uoy nac


#No! I’ve always did something different from the others for years in the chat… But now that I haven’t been a member since LPU 12, I’m going to do it here ;-; @the_termin8r1 and also, play tfm, you won’t be bored with it.