Can you touch your shoulders?

A: 1 yay, more nay.

Q: shoes or flip-flops?

A: I’d go with proper sandals (shoes if I had to pick from the options) or my current trainers which are designed for water related activities and thus have a lot of holes in them which make good cooling ducts too. What’s really ironic is that these shoes can’t do wet metal. If it’s raining and you step on a wet drain it’s like stepping on ice that’s been coated in oil.

The holes in the soles lead to a metal mesh directly beneath the in sole which itself is peppered with small drainage holes. I got these for around £30 at Costco. Which is actually quite cheap.

Q: Most annoying shoes you’ve worn and why they were annoying? I have a pair of hiking boots with the worlds most annoying laces. The thread they use has some kind of texture that makes them come undone every 10-15 mins (just by walking) no matter how tightly you tie them.

A: Girly shoes are annoying in general. I don’t understand why we “have” to wear them for certain events. I’ll never like them and never will wear them. Guys stuff are always much nicer, comfy and practical.

Q: An occasion you always dread going to?

A: Does the barber count? I can’t stand having my hair cut. Last time I went, the guy that ran the place was away and he’d hired some replacements, the woman that was working on me took over 25 mins to cut my hair down to a size 4 with no styling or anything, just a cut.

Q: A daily procedure that you hate?

A standing up, the moment I´d to leave my warm bed…

Q Do ya think, online friends are less countable than “real” friends?

A: Not really, haven’t got many online and have fewer in real life.

Q: Do you keep the people around you ‘in the dark’?

Re- Q @the_termin8r1 in which sense? Saying clear what I say and do isn´t so easy all the time, but I try to lighten my sourrounding people, the nearer one…

As in do you keep everything to yourself? / are you secretive?

@the_termin8r1 let´s meet there, where you pl send me the link again, …like plug dj

This is not the place that’s still under construction btw

sorry ot again, but I was there, the music has loaded, the chat worked and then I heard three times the same song ALL TOGETHER CHAOS MAD

I don’t know what would cause that. I’m new there too so I don’t know about any bugs yet.

but are you online right now? inthere?

Yeah I am.

I’m lost… what’s the q again?

There isn’t one :laughing:

@evooba are you also there at the q…plug dj? let´s start a discovery mission, I got my first song played

I’m still making my first pl

A: no I sit by myself in the dark.

Q: my dog stares into nothingness when he’s beside me should I be worried?

A: No

Q: Dinner ideas?