Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Orchids

Q: Favorite breakfast?

Cheese pie and chocolate milk

Favourite person in your life?

Mee too! :blush:

Myself …lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Favorite chocolate

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White toblerone

Can you play backgammon?

Yes, one of my favourites :slight_smile:

Can you see in the dark?

No,I can’t! I’m not a superhero… :joy:

You? :eyes:

I am a cat. :joy_cat::joy_cat:

Can you see far?


Without glasses can’t

Do you wear glasses?

Not anymore :slight_smile: Best investment of my life :slight_smile:

Can you read when the book is upside-down?

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What did you do to remove… tips pls!!!

Yep… will get some problem but can…

Whats you favorite outfits

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Have you done the operation with laser? :eyes: :eye:

Same qs… if it is natural then tips plz!

Yes, there’s a clinic in Kosice called Oftum. They do the operation with the Lasik laser, I had -6 dioptries and after the operation I saw perfectly in like 24 hours :slight_smile:
It was expensive, but I would do it again, even sooner in my life if I could.
If you want more info, there are some videos on their page and I think they have also cliniques in other countries (see top of the page):

Jeans and t-shirt


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Black Jeans , t shirt with a black leather jacket. And my fav shoes. :slight_smile:

Favorite accessories

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Garmin smartwatch and a phone (the broken one). I know, they’re not really accessories but I don’t care about those very much :laughing:


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my fav fastrack watch.

You fav phone company

A: Apple

Q: Do you have a VHS player?


Do you have a cassette player?

What was the first cd you bought in your life?

A: Don’t judge me pls:

Q: What was the 1st cd you ever bought?