Can you touch your shoulders?

This is the answer lol
Do you like any alcohol?

Sometimes…depends on the mood


Basically don’t… but if it’s a good one… why not ?
Do you wear suit-coats?

A: No, unless I absolutely have to.

Q: What’s the first word thar comes on your mind right now?

Yeah even me! You are really my brother!! :joy:

Were you trying to rhyme nick? :stuck_out_tongue:


What would you like to have for breakfast today?

Already had. Roasted eggs
When do you usually get up ?

At 6:00 am


(Hey. Already off to school. You ?)
Do you have to wear a school uniform ?

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Holiday today… a fest called onam.
Lol if i was in school i had no internet, no phone… we aren’t allowed -_-

Ya and it feels like a waiter’s dress

You dont have to right?

Well, basically I have to but nobody cares
Seems we’re the only awake here , huh?)

Ya it does… all are deep asleep
Only jasper may be and he is busy these day…

I loved your uniform dude… with the lp badge :+1:

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Me and @theearlywalker are having an argument on dm again.

Hey what’s dm?

Direct message

Are you waiting for holidays?

Not really. I’m somewhat excited for Halloween, I guess, but I just really like scary movies. :slight_smile:

What was the worst physical pain you’ve ever felt?

My c-sections

What makes you happy?

A: music, relaxing and doing nice things for the people I love

Q: Did you know that Bert is evil?


No…like Bert from Sesame Street?

What’s your favorite scent?

A: This is my favorite scent of all time:

Q: Favorite sport?


Favourite flower?