Can you touch your shoulders?

A: It was great! I had my day off so I did my grocery shopping and Pokemon hunting (yes, don’t judge) in the morning, played music later and now I’m enjoying a quiet evening.

Q: How was yours?

A: Had to work and started at noon. It was alright. Now eating leftovers 'cause don’t feel like cooking.

Q: What’s the weirdest question you were ever asked during a job interview?

A: Not for a job interview, but I was ask very inappropriate question i don’t think i want to put it on here though.

Q: What was the most creepist thing that ever happened to you?

A: I got to try out for a horror movie in the basement of a toy factory and the killer guy attacked me…they were testing my reactions or something… i had to stand there and not know when he was going to run towards me. Something fell upstairs while I was waiting. And I laughed cuz it broke the silence. It’s just like. I know that someone is going to run up behind me and act like they’re killing me. And I gotta accept this. It was awesome. And sorta scary. Cuz I didn’t know when he was running lol

Q: What’s the creepiest thing that’s ever happened to you?

LOL that cool
A: Nothing really
Q: Most creepy or weird dream you every had?

A: Oh my… the other night as I was getting over my cold I had a dream that I was in the attic of some mansion out in the country and I was alone on a bed upstairs, staring out a window on the other side. Only there were voices calling for me, and I literally felt like I was being drug by my feet. I couldn’t wake up, I was just being drug. I started trying to breathe really loudly, thinking that it would wake up someone but it didn’t. I have no idea how I eventually woke up but it was scary. I got to a point where I thought I heard my dad’s voice yelling in the next room and I thought that a lamp turned on but it was all a part of my dream.

Q: What’s a scary dream you’ve had?

A: I had a dream about a virus outbreak and it was literally turning people into man-eating zombies and we had to try to survive. It likes if you leave your house you will turn into a zombie. I was glad that my dream was not real it scared the heck out me.

Q: Best dream you ever had?

A: Same questions again and again… boring

Q: Who wants to help me finish the paperwork for work? (yes, I’m still trying to finish it)

A: I’ll help, I’m bored xD

Q: What is your fave emoji on here?

None but I have a tendency to over use: :stuck_out_tongue:

Your most used emoti?

@silentstagepunk I like the :blush:emoji

A: I use these a lot: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :sweat_smile: and others.

Q: Are you good at understanding hints? As in, if someone tries tell you something without actually saying it, are you able to understand what that person is trying to say?

A: I’m really good at that.
Q: What would you do if the music video of Heavy come out?

A: Nothing.

Q: Why are you people so obsessed?

A: I’m not really :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: Did you have any accidents as a child?


Your worst injury as a child?

A: Falling off the bed when I was an infant. But that not the worst though.
Q: What is the most stupidest thing you ever done in your life?

Oh, plenty of things, too many to list. The result of overprotective parents

So what was?

I guess that is the most worst thing that ever happened to me.

Falling off the bed when I was a infant. The floor was very hard, but the weird part is I did not get no injuries though. This happen in Guyana.

I’ve had far worse injuries because I did stupid things. But I’ve never broken bones, at least not my own. I’ve broken many an enemy.

Is the floor softer there?