Can you touch your shoulders?

A: I did not had any crush on someone but some had a crush on me when I was in h.s
Q: what about you who was your first crush

A: Bugs Bunny :joy:

Q: What is your best childhood memory?

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A. when I first went on a rollercoaster with my family
Q: what is your favorite albums from any artists you know? you could name then all if you want?

A: Everything by Linkin Park & Nirvana & David Bowie :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: my fave by the both of them changes frequently, Metallica - Reload and Garage inc, Def Leppard - On Through the Night, Sex Pistols - Nevermind the Bullocks, Motley Crue - Too Fast for Love and Shout at the Devil, Skid Row - Slave to the Grind and Skid Row i mean there’s alot …

Q: What are your favorite albums?

A:My favorite is hybrid theory the mostly. other artist I can’t remember though.
Q: What is the most thing you always wanted to do in your life? It could be anything?

A: Become an inspiring singer, an accomplished artist, have Chester scream in my face, stay close with my loved ones and possibly pay them back for all the love, write songs and maybe a book or two, have something I wrote end up on vinyl, find somewhere i belong and accomplish the rest of my bucket list… :I

Q: What’s something you’ve always wanted to do with your life?

A: I always wanted to go to a Linkin Park concert and meet all of them. Go some where else to live then living in NY. Also I want a big birthday party for myself that what I always wish for that. Graduate from college get my degrees. Go somewhere relaxing with my family. And many more in my life

Q: What is the most thing you regret in your life?

A: i live by no regrets, and i hope to keep it that way. Regrets can only bring you down because they are things that you can’t change. And if you can change them, you might’ve already. Don’t let them win :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: Do you have regrets?

A/Q: Yes, don’t we all?

A: I mean, i suppose… but the thing is I have forgotten them for the most part… and when I start to think about the ones I haven’t forgotten I also start to think about why I shouldn’t regret them…

Q: Was that confusing?

A: @silentstagepunk that was not confusing. I understand how you feel.
Q: Do you have any upcoming events?

A: Well I have a three day weekend and nothing planned yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Q: What is something that you are excited for?

A: My next day off.

Q: How bored are you right now?

A: only a bit, I’m multitasking as always

Q: How hungry are you right now?

A: really bored that I could sleep right now if I wanted to. Not even lying right now.
Q:Most funniest thing that ever happen to you or someone?

Lol @coolcat96 i guess i will answer that

A: This one time my friend was walking backwards while talking to me and I tried to tell her to watch the bench behind her but she completely fell over it while walking backwards and she was laughing on her way down… luckily she didn’t get hurt so I didn’t feel bad for laughing

Q: again How hungry are you right now? :joy:

@silentstagepunk lol :joy: as long as she is ok.
A: I’m a bit hungry but not to much
Q: What make you happy the most?

A: Depends on the day.

Q: The police has closed down the road just outside my house. There’s an ambulance there as well. What do you think happened; murder, robbery, something else?

A: I’m thinking of a murder but it could be something else
so my answer is something else.
Q: what happen you saw every thing?

A: I saw shit.

Q: How was your Monday?

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