Can you touch your shoulders?

A: it rises around six

Q: what’s the first band/artist you obsessed over?

Here it rises at 7:20 but it starts getting bright at 6:45.

A: Green Day

Q: Do you cycle?

A: Yes

Q: How often do two radio stations play the same song at the exact same time (to the exact same word)? (The radio stations are only 0.4MHz apart with no other station in between, so hmm…)

A: I’ve only heard it with pop stations where they’re playing at the same time… it’s odd.

Q: What’s one of your fave hobbies and when did you start it?

A: Basketball, been playing since I was 5.

Q: What’s the most useless key on a computer’s keyboard in your opinion?

A: Scroll Lock, i never know what it’s for

Q: Are you into Fort Minor?

Same use as num lock and caps lock.

A: Yes.

Q: Do you like honey?

A: Yes

Q: Do you have a sweet tooth?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it raining right now?

A: it has been all day but it appears to have stopped. Maybe it’s just sprinkling.

Q: Have you ever ate food that you dropped on the floor?

(Woah, a thunder almost like want to shatter the windows)

A: Only at home.

Q: What was the closest distance you ever were from the site of a lightning strike?

A: About a street over, struck a tree

Q: What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?

Aliens as a kid when i was 9 or so

Are horror films funny to you?

A: Yes

Q: Have you Pissed anyone off today?

A: no but i know ill be mad later though.
Q: Did any one made you mad?

A: Not today, it’s been a good day.

Q: Anything exciting happening in your life right now?

A: No not right now but i do know that i will be having something good for me later though.
Q: Anything excites you?

A: My husband got a promotion and I’m trying out for a local singing competition.

Q: What should you be doing right now?

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A: Certainly not posting here.

Q: What time did you wake up this morning?

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