Can you touch your shoulders?

i have a question -
what would you do with a million dallors

A: Hmmm… interesting. Probably Rayman.

A: Try and do as much good as possible.

Q: Coolest cd packaging you’ve ever seen?

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A: This packaging of the Fallout 4 Limited Edition made my nerd heart go bonkers:

Mainly because of the pipboy. It’s not mine though, a friend ordered it. Sooo cool :nerd:

Q: Is there a type of food you end up eating most of the time, that you really don’t like that much, but simply eat because it’s easy to prepare?

A- yeah i got one spam lol
Q-is there a song from linkin park that you havent heard live yet and are dying to hear

A: High Voltage, I’ve seen live footage but I’d love to see experience it at a show of theirs myself.

Q: Is it cold where you are?

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A: Unfortunately no.

Q: Have you had any weird dreams lately? I seem to be seeing like a mini series of some sort, every night, same people, same story just the continuation of the previous night.

A Had dreams like that too. Plenty of times.

Q Are you good with plants?

A: sure. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Hahahahahahahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Miwhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Q: do you like honey bunnies?

A/Q: You mean honey and bunnies? Or bunnies made of honey? Or just bunnies with honey?

A: Honey, I like bunnies!

Q: Do you like vodka redbull?

A: Yes!

Q: Are you having some right now?


Q: Can I have some too?

A: Sure, here ya go:

Q: Would you like some deep fried crap with that?

Q: What just happened? Lol

A: Boredom and vodka! :smiley:

Q: What is up with you? :stuck_out_tongue:

A: I’m bored too. I haven’t had vodka with red bull before, I should try it sometime.

Q: Any good movies to recommend?

A: Coherence or Triangle, just in case weird sci-fi is your thing. Or you can check this out.

Q: Any interesting book recommendation? Please exclude the genre of romance from your suggestions.

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A: A Pelgrims Journey by Charles Bunyan. It’s one of my favorite books

Q: What outfit would you wear for Halloween?

Thanks @amitrish :slight_smile:

A: All my friends are away so I won’t be doing Halloween this year.

Q: You?

Can you link me to that book please? I don’t see anything similar under his name.

There is a John Bunyan though.