Can you touch your shoulders?

The boredom

Q: Something quite stupid that is almost exclusive to your country?

Such as the separate taps in a lot of places in this country as opposed 2 one that mixes the water. The idea is that you’re supposed to fill the sink up and use the water. The sink with all of the dust, hair, germs and other disgusting stuff in it. gags :unamused:

A: I’m not sure if this is exclusive to The Netherlands but here’s a typical Dutch thing I find a bit stupid…

Typical cheap Dutch birthday parties are a serious childhood nightmare of mine. You enter a house filled with people sitting crammed up in a circle and staring at each other. You’re supposed to shake hands with every single guest and then take a seat somewhere and NEVER leave that seat again, unless you need to go to the toilet or if you intend to actually leave the party.

You get a cup of coffee or tea and some cake. If you’re lucky you’ll get one cookie each. Do not dare to ask for more, they consider it rude. Before dinner time they usually tell you politely that you need to leave… Or, they will just eat in the other room while you sit there waiting for them. If you are lucky enough to join for dinner, don’t expect it to be much.

During the entire party there is no dancing and if there is music it will be on the lowest volume possible because everyone needs to hear uncle Bob’s story about the neighbor’s cat.

I’m part Indonesian & Surinamese and in both cultures, a birthday party is always with loads of music and dancing, there’s loads of food and if you dare to refuse to take a second plate of dinner they consider it rude. Totally the opposite of a typical cheap Dutch birthday party…

Not all Dutch parties are bad but I’ve been to too many described as above when I was little.

Q: What’s your childhood nightmare?

Taking photos with the family. It’s still an existing nightmare. The reason why is my mum, perfection isn’t quite enough for her let alone taking a casual photo. If you look back over all the family photos and you’d think they were all taken in a studio by a professional.

Sticking to the topic of birthdays, photos around that time are the worst, they’re always pretty much identical even down to where I’d be sitting at the table, the only difference is the cake, my clothes and the fact that I look progressively more miserable with each passing year.

Q: Is/was you family the chill sort or the type that would pack as if they were going on an expedition in the amazon even though they were actually just going to the park down the road?

A: Yes! The worst of it all is that I too do it now. Whenever we go to a theme park with friends and/or family, I somehow always end up being the weirdo with a huge bag of food and drinks because theme park food is usually way too overpriced :blush:

Q: Best snacks you ever had on a day trip?

Probably wotsits

Q: Have you ever gone into the fridge with the intent of eating a condiment? :laughing:

A: LOL does apple sauce count? I think I’ve gone to the fridge for a spoon of muster every once in a blue moon… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Q: Ever put anything in the fridge that shouldn’t be in the fridge?

A: Yes, plates, glasses, even my mum’s phone (don’t ask, I don’t know how).

Q: Are you bored to cook?


to be or not to be?

A: That is the question

Q: What do you like to cook most?

I can only cook poison but I have the decency of calling it food before the poor person eats it, so my answer is poison.

Q: What’s wrong with putting plates in the fridge? We constantly put things like leftovers on a plate in the fridge.

pancakes :stuck_out_tongue: or just something i have never done.

what do you like to eat the most?


A: Empty ones, like instead of putting them away, I once just opened the fridge and set one there.

Q: Favorite kit kat?

None, they make me feel sick, especially the orange one.

Q: Why?

I once nearly put my laundry in the fridge because i’m so used to walking into the kitchen and going straight for the fridge :stuck_out_tongue:

A: I don’t know, I guess I was just distracted.

Q: How much free space do you have on your device right now?

A: My laptop has a rough 400 GB of free space. My rundown smartphone has barely 400 MB of free space.

Q: Can you navigate through every part of your house without the lights on, without bumping onto anything ?

Yes, like a pro

Q: Is chewing gum evil?

A: If that is the case then I must be pure evil, I chew gum every day.

Q: Are tomatoes killers?

They are in my hands

Q: A weird fact about you?

A: I converse with myself when I try to focus on an important task.

Q: What flavor sounds more appealing: Natural, Peppermint or Cloves?