Can you touch your shoulders?

I was feeling the love so overwhelming and then it was all just a tactic for badges.

It’s the habit of a gaming trophy hunter :sweat_smile: Sorry you guys.

Q: Why is the internet so slow all of a sudden?

A: Mine works just fine… maybe it’s the site lagging.

Q: Has anyone listened to the new Iggy Pop album yet?

I remember my first day in year 1. It was less than a week after I came to this country, I knew not a word of English. Everyone was trying to talk to me, I had no clue what the teacher was saying, I was terrified. So inevitably I broke down in tears and if I recall correctly I was talking nonsense which at the time I thought was English for “I want my mum”/ “where is my mum?” :joy:

That was the first and last time I ever cried in school though in my defense I was only 5.

A: I don’t listen to IP

Q: Most annoying Microsoft Office program?

A: Windows 10 not being able to run Windows Movie Maker, now that’s annoying…

Q: Type of food you could eat 24/7 and not get tired of?

A: Kebab! Or some Burger King’s burgers

Q: Do you have to eat something salted after something sweet?

A: I’m not eating salt or sugar at the moment [as in not in my diet at all], but I like sweet tastes.

Q: What song could you play 24/7 without going insane?

A: Any song from LP or RA. (Done it before so, I know I can)

Q: Do you sometimes freak out over losing something cause you thought you misplaced it but is actually right in front of you?

On my geog field trip we were packing up to leave and I had left my wallet on the bed and I must have flipped the duvet over to get my stuff. I nearly had a heart attack because I thought I’d just sent £50 of cash to the washing machine with the other duvets that had just gone down.

Also, earlier this week I thought I’d lost my only hand written copy of an assignment when it was actually in my bag but not in my folder.

Q: Do you chew gum?

A: Yes (Who doesn’t?)

Q: Don’t you hate it that people don’t take it to the ‘exactement’ of your words? (They use synonyms that exaggerate and distort what you meant - Eg: For me, @The_early_walker synonyms of what I was trying to say just then was of complete misunderstanding, not a synonym at all.)

A: At times it’s annoying

Q: Do you ever read over your old forum posts when you have nothing to do?


Q:What is your favorite sport to play?

A: I’m not a sportsperson, but I’ll say dodgeball.

Q: Is it me, or does Mike seem to wear this THREAT shirt a lot of the time?

A/Q: Yeah I guess it’s one of his favorites?

Q: Has this thread finally croaked? It’s been dropping to the bottom of the thread list recently

A: It is a bit quiet indeed. But I still believe in this thread! Come on let’s go to the 5000th post.

Q: Last time you ate something fried?

About 1.5 hrs ago. It was a rubbish pork steak. My dad asked me if I wanted steak tonight, I said yes, turns out he meant a pork steak not a beef steak. He makes nice beef ones but because my mum likes her meat practically overcooked he had to fry the pork to the point where it was like eating the sole of my shoe. I literally bent my fork when I stabbed into it. I had to straighten it out with my hand.

TBH, I was doubtful we’d get to 4k.

Q: Fav meat?

A:naked chicken

Q: Favorite online shop?

A: I’m sure it is.

There’s no more incentive to get to 5k:

A; Amazon? (I’m sure this is a biased answer)

Q: Does Rob always seem to look so…