Can you touch your shoulders?

I sill am



Q: Is anyone on their Xmas holidays yet? I finished today.

A: Nope, I work on all days besides the 25th. Schools, colleges, unis and all that end on the 23rd.

Q: So, any plans for your free days?

I’ve got about 6 assignments to do

Q: You?

A: I’m visiting family unfortunately. I even had to use 2 days off my leave for the trip.

Q: Why assignments? Here, colleges and unis don’t have any type of homework/assignments. Just exams at the end of each semester.

Because I’m doing a BTEC not A-levels. It’s 18 units (different electrical engineering related modules) which are 100% coursework. You get a grade for each unit (either a pass -not that good, a merit - mediocre or a distinction - top or a fail). After you get the grades for each unit, then 3 final grades are calculated from the points that your unit grades bring (a P brings a certain amount of points, an M brings it’s own amount and so does a D). The 3 final grades are the ones you keep. The lowest is a PPP the highest is a DDD* (you can only get a D* on the final grades and not on separate units). Also, if you fail a single unit you fail the entire course.

Q: @EvoOba What did you do in college/sixth form?

A: I went straight to uni. Here students go to unis after graduating high school. Those that don’t want to go to uni or those that failed the entry exams can choose to go to a college (but they’re not free of charge like unis). Also, colleges have shorter courses here, 2 or 3 years long, compared to unis that are 4 or more (depending on how well you do).

Q: What’s the basic education system in your country? Here it is kindergarten/nursery/pre-school, then elementary (grades 1 to 6), junior high (grades 7 to 9), senior high (grades 10 to 12) and then university.

A Here we have; elementary [age 4 to 12], high school with different study levels [age +/- 13 to 18, depending what level you study]. The lvls are important for they determine the rest of your career path or future scholing in college or uni. They’re going to switch that up so I’ve heard. There are certain diplomas for instance that people studies for 10 years ago that don’t even “exist” anymore. Which is not complicated at all, not at all.

Q: What are you thinking right now?

A: About my education system lol (6/7-12/13 elementary school, 13-16 gymnasium and 16-19/20 middle school and then university)

Q: Which chocolate is better, white or milk or dark?

A: Ooooh I love all sorts of chocolate, but I guess white is my fave.

Q: Pepsi or Coca cola?

(Now here we go for the 100th time, answering this question for a million times)

A: Pepsi (cuz it’s slightly cheaper)

Q: Something in your life that you are fed up with (something you can’t and won’t take no more)?

So at what age do your graduate high school?

So, wait, uni is free but college isn’t? Here it’s the opposite. Uni costs a fortune I think the rates are about £9k a year or something like that.


I remember you gave this exact reply sometime a few hundred posts back.

Q: Worst year/grade in school?

1 Like

You are in school till that age??? HOLY COW!


Yeap. Not that our unis are good lol. They’re all pieces of crap and also the reason why most kids want to study abroad (myself included). Colleges have fees per module I believe, some have per year.
I know fees are expensive in the UK for studies, the one I want to go to has a 8.2k pounds fee :frowning:

11th and 12th for us. Simply because all you do is prepare for university entry exams and they make such a huge deal out of it and when the time comes, it’s nothing, just another plain exam. Some kids have serious anxiety issues those 2 years, some faint or get seriously ill before the exams and stuff like that. It’s brutal, that’s why they’re looking into changing the system.

Q: To those not in college/uni yet, what do you want to study? And to those that are done with it, was it what you wanted to study or did you compromise?

A I studied in Germany, Munich, If I consider, what a loyer (not me) with it´s same lenghts of studying and me (social Worker) get as salary, I feel I took wrong descision…but also:I lovve my work…

Q How often do you think, is the pespi/coke qu appeared in this threat? (@the_termin8r1 @samuel_the_leader?)Who looks the 2732 faster and give THE RIGHT answer, is the winner, time starts running know…

A: Is it 4? (including post 2732)

Q: Do u feel like ur dying inside? How depressed are you?

A: Very. I’m holding on cause it’s Friday.

Q: Wow, only 4 times? I really expected it to be more.

ot you went on counting? Really??? lol
A: Not depressive, only over the edge and tiered to the bones…
after coffee and bathroom now, fit in myself better, have to leave, works calling, cya this ev, mb
Q: Are you online later on today?

It’s super easy, you just ctrl + f it and it does it for you.

A: Yeah, I probably will all day. I’m alone at the office and bored to death and still have 4 more hours.

Q: Do you like low ceiling rooms/attic style?

Might I ask which?

For uni I’ve applied for automotive engineering courses as my main choice and electrical as my backup as I’m studying electrical in college now.

I’m guessing 2-3 times. You just have to ctrl+f ‘coke or pepsi’


Q: Long or short socks?

University of Lancashire, and to be exact, this course.

A: Short

Q: Mittens or no mittens?


No mittens.

Q: Gloves or mittens?