Can you touch your shoulders?

A: For once ok; I went karting today. It wasn’t bad though my spine took a battering as the track was just the floor of the warehouse building it was in rather than a proper tarmac surface (meaning it was very uneven and had reduced grip, there was even a bit of the rack missing at one of the corner apexes). I still think the one in Germany at the Nurburgring was more fun.

Q: Yours?

A don´t really remember won´t really remember, I overcome and reached some kids today, so nothing worse…

Q why are so little posts? Still burning lollypop?

Yes, but there isn’t much to reply to either.

Q: Last funny thing that happened to you?

A: curios, don´t remember, funny sys err …explanation…
Q What is funny in the end?

A: Everything’s funny.

Q: Is there a specific event that took place years ago that you look back to now and think how stupid you were at that point?

A many, believe me, if there would be the possibility to turn back times, I do quiete sm times, but one big stupidity that I don´t remember
Q You?


If I could change I would take back the pain I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made I would
If I could stand up and take the blame I would
If I could take all the shame to the grave I would

Q: Is STPWCB the worst flop ever? LP boasted on twitter about their Spotify streams


I don’t like STP so I don’t know

Q: Funniest injury you’ve had?

A: Slipping on solid ground for no apparent reason.

Q: Foil or tin?

A: foil… (I think:))

Q: Silver or Gold?

As colours, meteorite silver

Q: Do you have anything to fiddle with on your desk, if so what is it?

A: A guitar pick.

Q: Button ups or regular shirts?

I’ve got a Swiss army knife (no joke), you might have seen it in some of the pics I’ve posted lol

I don’t care so long as it’s comfortable

Q: How many weapons do you have in your bedroom? (I mean things that most would consider weapons, so no answers like ‘pens’ or ‘a book’ - it’s my job to give those kinds of answers).

A: I’ve got a saw, a hamer, a wrench and screwdriver in my nightstand and a thermosjar with boiled water in my room. And then there’s indeed paint brushes, pens, mirrors, perfume, deodorant, cans of spray paint, books and a chair. All great weapons, really.

Q: So… Star Wars’ new movie is up in the cinemas tomorrow [in my country]. Are you going to see the movie on the big screen?

A: No. I’m not interested in SW.

Q: Is anyone waiting for Avatar 2? (and 3, 4…)

A: Yes, I hope it’s worth the wait.

Q: What’s the weirdest thing you ate ever?

Do you live in a mechanic’s garage or something? lol

*post 2664

Q: How often do you bite yourself?

Well, sometimes it feels like that yes :stuck_out_tongue:

Uh… I guess it’s been too long…?

Q: When you have a cold, do you prefer a bag of paper tissues or does toilet paper suffice?

A: I hardly ever get sick and if I feel like I might be coming down with something I take medicine and it goes away before it’s annoying and blocks my nose so, no need for any type of paper for me.

Q: How often do you get sick?

A really sick by body? Never, but to get in stress disease with headache, stm hurting my neck cause I´ve to shout too much,ah yes, when weather changes I get neuralgia from my right arm…

Q shall I or shall I not put me in the stress to find all the lil things to giveaway for christmas or must this year the wish from the heardt be enough, please a real opinion answer, I go setting on it…