Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Neither

Q: To you like to play with dangerous things (fire, knives, electricity, etc…)?

@The_early_walker Unfortunately these months are more hectic than usual for me. But, whenever I find a possibility I’ll try to drop a post here :smile:

1 Like

A: Sure.


A: The first one, because nobody said you can’t divorce them afterwards

Q: Do you unintentionally find loopholes in rules and questions?

A: Depends on the questions and rules.


A/Q: Yes, who hasn’t?

If you skate, you can snowboard. It’s easier than skiing actually, much much easier.

A/Q: I assume you’re being sarcastic?

[ot lol nice to find ya back, missed you

@gatsie don´t worry about me our boundd will last even if we did not contact for a year, cause it´s made by the lord…]
So back on topic
A Yes, and they got me immediately at the age of 12, a desaster…
A 1 (@evooba) I try not to be, but shit happens!
Q any kind of christmas mood arrived at your home?heart??

Oops, sorry, my Q was for @the_termin8r1, should have tagged him in the first place.

A: Not yet, I don’t like Christmas anyways. I’m not going to be “in the mood” for it, ever again. I just need it to be over already.

Q: Is there a difference between scrambled eggs and omelete?

[ot than sorry me, I didn´t realized…, but´s still standing = @the_termin8r1 lol]

It was more a rhetorical question

I don’t know

Q: Do you like eggs?

A: I was contemplating on asking the same question as well, my mother also sees no difference, but I see that scrambled eggs are smashed up omelette

A: Don’t you see me cringe when I eat eggs? I don’t like egg yolk, fried eggs, I only like egg white. (I don’t eat the egg white portion of the sunny side up cuz it’s fried)

Q: How important are you to the LPU? (Did y’all miss me?)

(How far up the page shows how important you are)


A: Highly doubt that counts the importance, if you refresh the page it changes. I think it’s pretty random (considering that even the band members have way less views than other users and they’re never active).

Q: Can you keep your eyes open underwater?

Random? Still same position:

A: Barely, which is an improvement from not at all. The water irritates my eyes, especially seawater. (I cannot open my eyes in seawater at all)

Q: Speaking about seawater, when was the last time you visited the ocean? (I live far away from the coast so I haven’t visited it in years)

Not sure to be honest, I see people that haven’t been active in years in that screenshot.

A: Last weekend, Athens is surrounded by it so it’s very close. (not that it’s nice or beautiful or anything, Athens is the last place you wanna go swimming in the sea, the islands and Chalkidiki and the Peloponnese have far better beaches).

Q: So, do you hold your nose closed when diving or you don’t mind?

A: I don’t mind, but I can’t breathe out when my mouth is submerged in seawater cuz it’s too salty.

Q: What is the worst place to visit in your country?

A: There’s nothing that’s worth it about my country. I always wonder why people wanna visit it so much. I believe it’s a waste of money and time.

Q: Opposite q of @samuel_the_leader.

Not sure if you misunderstood my qns, or your entire country is literally the worst place of your country.

This. It’s simply bad.

Q: Which Retro Videogame Character Are You?