Can you touch your shoulders?

A: I have a lot of bad habits but can’t break any of them, I learned to live with them.

Q: Fireplaces: cozy or not?

A: Not, it’s a very handy means of escape though (if it’s big enough).

Q: If you were to surprise somebody would it most likely be in a good or bad way?

A: I only surprise people I like so it would be in a good way.

Q: Ever had a surprise party or whatever thrown for you?

A not until now
Q bread with butter or without

A: I don’t like bread or butter, so…

Q: Anyone else think fancy birthday parties (or parties in general) are annoying?

A: not in general, but yesterday my dad has birthday, and I was alone with my parents for ab 2 hrs, I had to run after
Q Did you found all the things in your archieve in work yesterday? Was is busy (learned not to write it with an “i”)

No, I didn’t. Most of the files don’t exist.

b*s! Better luck today,


A: I don’t archive my emails, cuz afterwards I don’t know where to find them.

Q: I know winter is not the time to talk about mosquitoes, but over the summer, did you have any problems with mosquitoes (mosquitoes biting you etc)? Last year, a friend from Spain claimed to have killed 50 mosquitoes which entered his house over a 24 hour period.

A: Mosquitoes are another annoying part of summer.

Q: Have you ever heard of a tech brand called Alienware?

We don’t get mosquitoes here. At least not the ones that bite you. I love torturing daddy longs (I don’t know the plural) though. First you clip their wings, then you pull off all but one of their legs and watch them drag themselves across your desk. then you rip the last leg off and carefully rip the head off and if you’re lucky, you might see the spinal cord.

A/Q: Yes why?

A: I was laptop shopping yesterday (doing research basically so I can decide what to get next month) and I saw one from Alienware (a brand I’ve never heard of before) and it cost 2.500€.

Q: Anyone of you use a HP laptop? If yes, are you satisfied or not?

I do, it was good until W10 plagued it :confused:

OT: @EvoOba me and Xero are on dubtrack if you want to join us.

Q: You didn’t upgrade from W8.1 did you? Cuz W8.1 is the worst (look what happened to the start menu in W8.1)

I did. 8.1 was ok. It certainly didn’t have any of the current irritating issues. Plus I didn’t use the start menu. Everything I need is on my task bar.

Q: What current irritating issues are there with W10?


Q: Why is tech so irritating?

No wonder, your W10 is a laptop, not a PC. Everyone here thought it was a PC, that you can simply switch it off the mains so that there is no electricity to power it on.

A: Cuz we haven’t mastered it yet. That’s why we got robots gone rogue and kill people etc.

Q: Who here has watched Ex Machina?

A: I haven’t but some friends said it’s worth it.

Q: Was it good?