Can you touch your shoulders?

A: God, no!!!
(Gangnam style is invisible horse riding)

A fan says that it’s Mike sitting down on the toilet bowl looking at what’s “down there” (between his legs) :frowning:

Q: Are these bass/guitar chords?

A1: No, I don’t take part in talent competitions.

A2: Yes, they are tabs. Pretty cool riff if you ask me. I bet they’re gonna tweak it a lot though.

Q: The greatest achievement in your opinion?

Are you playing guitar? Record that riff, I’m curious how it sounds

Yeah, I play guitar, bass and piano. I would but I don’t share my playing with anyone, sorry. I’m sure other people tried to play it though and have it up somewhere.

Pls, I don’t know anyone who’s playing and could record it.

Sorry, can’t.

[I swear someone replied to that question [s]9[/s] 55 min ago, but deleted it without a trace (stupid internet connection)]

Q: Does Brad look like he got a bad haircut?( at 1st glance)

To be honest (and kinda insensitive) I don’t give a toss about any of those events as it doesn’t directly affect me, nor does worrying about it actually serve a good purpose, it’s just extra stress for nothing.

Not quit sure what that means but we’ve been having some strong winds recently

Unfortunately just a few hours ago :confused:


Rode a pony as a kid once, had to wear the stupid helmet, felt like a clown, so no I’m not interested.

That implies that you have to have talent. I don’t have one, at least not that I know of. People usually mistaken my obsessions and addictions as talents.

Greatest personal achievement, none. Though I am happy that I got accepted into further maths in college.

No, even at first glance. It’d look bad when he takes the cans off, his hair would still be compressed.

Q: How was your day?

This question has been asked so many times…

I’m sure it’s more than 3 times. Just ctrl+f the page and you’ll know, but I was out of Qs.

So it still stands…

Q: @the_termin8r1 So you were made to go out?

A/Q: No, what makes you think that?

A/Q: Weren’t you made to see the sunlight a few hours ago?

What’s with the sunlight? Lol

@EvoOba, So reluctantly @the_termin8r1

Oh, no, it was coming into the living room and it was strong as hell for some reason. It managed to come straight through really dark brown curtains too.

ot @the_termin8r1: big talent N° 1: to keep this topic in order. So Rob, what did you guess? The sunlight is searching you and it seem to come nearer and nearer…no place to hide!

A: actually no question seenable, I answer to how was your day(I think, this question is akable so many times, cause 1. it got answers by different people, and 2. every dday is a lil bit diverse from the others… Mine yesterday was a lil bit stressy, cause we made the weekly/monthly purchase with my family…

Q: someone active on pinterest?

A: Nah, never understood its purpose.

Q: Anyone else feel like they want to spend the entire day in bed, hidden away from the world today?

A: No we got the first snow, and it´s sunny outside feel like jumping out of bed

Q: Have you any idea of christmas presents for your nearest or do you denie to make gifts on xmas?

@The_early_walker Snow? Already? Lucky… it’s still summer over here.

A: We don’t make a huge deal out of presents and stuff on Christmas. We usually don’t get anything, since buying gifts for everyone is very expensive.

Q: Are you one of those people that will go out on Black Friday to buy stuff?