Can you touch your shoulders?

ot bathroom calling have to leave at least 45 min, have a nice time here online, I´ll have a look around gain this evening wishing everybody

A: Hahaha tablett

Q: Shall we take another quiz?

Q: How disturbed are you?

A: Is that another quiz? Cuz u haven’t done my quiz yet.

Q: @the_termin8r1 I think I read somewhere here that you get an “A” for English. How’d you get such high marks? (I only got a “C” for English)

Nah, just a question. I’m wondering if there’s anyone more disturbed than me lol

I don’t know, I was surprised myself. I had 2 different exams and I was put in ‘foundation’ for one of them (meaning the highest I could get in that paper was a C regardless of how well I did- it’s a slightly easier paper for the people who struggle) which came as a complete surprise to me as I was consistently a B throughout the year and my teacher was supposed to tell me if I was going to be put in foundation before the exam. So you can imagine what I felt on exam day when I found out the hard way and couldn’t get it changed. I was on the verge of shouting at the chief examiner in front of a hall of no less than 400 people.

Q: Are you eating anything right now, if so what is it?

A: No, but

Q: If @The_early_walker’s English were to be graded (graded from whatever she writes in the forums), what grade would you give her, considering you can’t understand her part of the time?

Α: Caramels count?

Q: What are you supposed to do when they ask you to find some stuff but can’t find them cause they don’t exist?

A: That’s obviously impossible but I get what you mean. Maybe ask where to look?

Q: What does the guy over the radio say at 2:45 in the following vid? Am I right in hearing “8 nano cubits a second” or is it “8-9-0 cubits a second?”

A: What non-existent thing, like what grade @The_early_walker would get for English if she were to be graded? Cuz my question still stands:

If it were a proper end of high school GCSE exam here in the UK then maybe an D or E if her writing is exactly the same.

I think you’re too generous. If @The_early_walker thinks I’m a native speaker of English yet I only got a “C”, her English must be much worse than that.

A: I dunno, tried to hear it so many times, but I’m sure I didn’t hear “nano”; rather, “nineteen” or “ninety”.

Q: Why do we always post at the same time? (like just now)

I was only curious because I wanted to convert the speed to MPH. If I assume that it’s 800 cubits/s then the speed is 818.182 MPH which is very slow considering that a 1965 SR 71 can easily hit 2685. It’d be even worse if it were nano cubits. Thanks for trying anyway.

Because we’re on at the same time :laughing:

Can’t think of a Q

Q: EQ or no EQ? (If yes, in which setting?)

That’s dependent on what I’m using. For example my speakers and headphones are suited ore for acoustic music (though they are good with just about anything) so I’ve turned the bass up on my amp to 4 out of 10.

On my crappy phone I’ve tried to get the most decent sound so it looks like this:

Also, this is an old image

My ‘extended’ settings are just set to ‘1’ for clarity

Not my pic^

Q: What annoys you more, bad sound quality or bad image quality?

A: Definitely bad sound quality.

Q: Do you use the numbers keypad on the right of your keyboard or the ones above the letters?

A: Used to use the above ones but now I use the side. Even though I’m left handed

Q: How bored were you today?

A: Not at all actually. It was so freaking busy at work, one of the worst Mondays ever. I had so much stuff to do, plus half an hour before I was supposed to leave, they gave me a 4 pages sheet with various codes and stuff about specific documents they wanted me to find in our archive (printed and digital forms) and I only found like 7 of them. The rest don’t exist or someone (before me) did a really bad job and didn’t save the documents at all. So, I have to go on a treasure hunt tomorrow to find the missing ones.

Q: How about you?

I’ve been sitting at my computer naming my cars in Gran Turismo 6 (that’s how bored I am) and I can’t seem to think of any nice names either.

And yes, I used to have 10 of the same car at once. I now only have 2. Frozen Hell (the 11th) was one I got the other day.

Q: How good do you reckon you would be at torturing the person you most hate on this planet?

thank you not too bad for a italian-german centaur, hanx and thanx you got the spirit to answer, it´s really ok, but, my interesst is going to @samuel_the_leader: When you can grade my english speech, sure exept the things you d(w)on´t understand, what would You give me?

A: Bad, cause it’s the same person that I love

Q: Have you ever been eating sushi? What’s your opinion about it?