Billboard Music Awards Performance

So, what did you all think?


It was pretty dope. I liked the fact that the stage had elements from the video :slight_smile:

Nice show! But I saw Justin Bieber in audience ;/

The show was dope!
Good performance, but the mixing had some not-so-good-moments when Chester wasn’t loud enough, but that’s okay for the first TV performance.

By the way…the stage and the crowd reminded me of this performance [biggrin]

[quote=Jats]The show was dope!
Good performance, but the mixing had some not-so-good-moments when Chester wasn’t loud enough, but that’s okay for the first TV performance.

By the way…the stage and the crowd reminded me of this performance [biggrin]
Hahaha! The baggy clothes!

And yeah, the mixing was odd at times, but nothing they could do about that one. Noticed Joe’s MacBook, has he always had that out? Loved how Chester rocked out. Mike sounded great. Those are my thoughts. :slight_smile:

we dont have ABC channel here
i wanted to watch it so bad
i was gonna stay up late and all
darn it,

does it ever get uploaded on youtube or so? i wanna see it too!

LOL, she clapped because she know they’re better than she is

I think the performance was amazing and badass for one of the first live performances of the song and first TV performance of it ever. I loved the stage and how it will probably resemble the music video. The fire in the back down was also awesome too emphasizing the Burn It Down aspect of the song lol

The only worth while performance in my opinion, everything esle was just the average pop or hip-hop.

was pretty amazing actually,they nailed it !!! Also,the guys of Billboard misunderstood the real meaning of “most exhilarating performance” cuz they “chose” Justin B. o.O

Anyone else notice that Joe started the intro early while the guy was introducing them and then stopped because he realized? [lol]

[quote=SD B E N N I N G T O N]we dont have ABC channel here
i wanted to watch it so bad
i was gonna stay up late and all
darn it,

does it ever get uploaded on youtube or so? i wanna see it too!

loveddddddd but hated that LP came in 3rd =l

It was good:)

Their perforance was the only reason why I watched the Billboard Music Awards and it was worth the wait.

thank you!!!
wow they look hot

Totally MAGNIFICENT!!! I made sure I planned all my events out that day just so I could be home in time to see them perform! [biggrin] They were absolutely the best act on the entire show. They owned it!!!

i only watched this just for the chance to see LP live lol which was great i thought. other than that, i didnt like to much of the other performances. especially justin bieber ughh ha but thats just me so i understand other peoples opinion.