Here it is, Reanimation League
Here is a few notes that you, the voters, that I need to clear
1) X-Ecution Style has been removed, even though it appears on the album, I don’t see it as a Linkin Park song, this is my feeling towards the song, this decision is final
2) Ntr/Mssion also won’t appear either
3) This one is obvious, the 3 answering machine tracks also won’t appear
4) Please replace Opening with By_Myslf when voting
Remember to vote on every match or you risk your vote not counting
Match 1
- Ppr:Kut
- H! Vltg3
0 voters
Match 2
- Opening
- Frgt/10
0 voters
Match 3
- Kyur4 th Ich
- Wth>You
0 voters
Match 4
- My<Dsmbr
- Rnw@y
0 voters
Match 5
- Plc.4 Mie Hæd
- Krwlng
0 voters
Match 6
- P5hng Me A*wy
- 1stp Klosr
0 voters
Match 7
- Enth E ND
- Pts.OF.Athrty
0 voters
Tag anyone I missed