Battle of the Songs: Reanimation Elimination Match 2

Match 1 over and the bottom three was: X-Ecutioner Style, My<Dsmbr and Rnw@y

A new addition for B.O.T.S is gonna be my review of the match
P5hng Me A*wy started off strong and finished on top
Krwlng & 1Stp Kloser tied for 2nd and 3rd
With H! Vltg3 taking up 4th place for match 1

I am very shocked on the departure of My<Dsmbr and Kyur4 th Ich did rather well for the first match finishing above Plc.4 Mie Haed and With You (apparently I can’t write the reanimation version of it lol)

For Match 2 you have to vote for 4 this time, as the last round bottom 3 will be eliminated
Match 3 will only be 3 votes, this match bottom 3 also will be eliminated
And the final match 2 votes, the top 4 will go on to the next champions league

  • Pts.OF.Athrty
  • Enth E ND
  • Frgt/10
  • P5hng Me A*wy
  • Plc.4 Mie Hæd
  • H! Vltg3
  • Wth>You
  • Ppr:Kut
  • By_Myslf
  • Kyur4 th Ich
  • 1Stp Klosr
  • Krwlng

0 voters


tag anyone i missed


I am quite shocked at the existence of such a song :stuck_out_tongue:


lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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i don’t get how that happened

went to edit it and it says on the left side My<Dsmbr but preview side says MyYou?!?


I think it has something to do with the less than and more than signs

9 out of 11 people voted for P5hng Me A*wy
I can see this winning the whole thing towards the end

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I’m one of the two rebels :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am gonna give this another 12 ish hrs to try and break the dead lock at the bottom as it stands Plc.4 Mie Haed will be eliminated
But Kyur4 th Ich, Ppr:Kut, Enth E ND and H! Vltg3 are all tied up for the other 2 bottom spaces
So hopefully when I return from work this will be all fixed if not

TIE-BREAKER will occur

Why is pushing me away so popular?

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I really have NO idea!!! hi bro,everything chick? :joy:

Why, cuz for P5hng Me Aw*y, the lyrics are significantly different, with its meaning complementary to the original (imo anyway)

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