Battle of the Songs: Group A

It’s finally here the first group of BOTS
You will notice that this group consist of the first full track of the album which means that no openings/instrumentals will make the cut
It also means that some groups will have less songs
Top 2 tracks advance to the next stage

  • Papercut
  • Don’t Stay
  • Given Up
  • Burning In The Skies
  • Lost In The Echo
  • Keys Of The Kingdom

0 voters

Lets do battle

So is the next stage a 1v1 between said songs?

I will see what the overall amount of songs as i may do a bonus group
Or another group stage to narrow it down
But yes it will go down to a 1vs1 knockout like the world cup kinda thing

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how long did a poll stayes tuned?

Papercut all the way!

I’m think between a few days to a week

ok looking forward,@acemasters hope we get a room/space than(mb turn fm) where we can share and listen to the winners together at allol :relaxed:

It’s weird, for me opening song for ATS is The Requiem, not BITS. Opening song for MTM is Wake etc. But I voted for KTTK

It does state first FULL song
And that Instrumentals/Openings will not be included

16th October is my birthday…so it seems fitting that this group will end and group B will begin

(cracks knuckles) so… How old will you be @.@

31 lol
I is getting old

We have a 3 way tie
Only 2 can go through

  • Papercut
  • Lost In The Echo
  • Keys To The Kingdom

0 voters

Need a clear winner so I need at least one more voter to vote between L.I.T.E or K.T.T.K

ohhh sorry @acemasters, missed the

Have a good year, :grinning: