Battle of the Songs: Champions League 3 Final Group Matches

Ahem @theearlywalker

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@theearlywalker and @gatsie

You should know what I am about to say…

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Yep- :see_no_evil: sorry- doing it now :blush:… edit: done :white_check_mark:(… I think I just needed a bit extra attention from you :stuck_out_tongue: jk :joy::joy:)

Hahaha you just missed being told off by me eh :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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You have also missed some

I know I just can’t decide :sweat_smile: give me 15 seconds I will vote

OSC vs. Where’d You Go, I caaan’t :sob:
That one was soooo hard !

Time is running out

Most of them are only 1 vote apart.

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Only 5 matches

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:man_facepalming: I’m having a weird day. Should’ve counted.

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@gatsie you only voted on the 1st match and therefore your vote did not count

Right, so, got a bit of a dilemma here as both In The End and Waiting For The End in Group C not only drew in there match but the table shows that they both have the same amount of wins and draws (meaning the same amount of points) and they have the same amount of votes for and against them (meaning vote difference is the same) which means they are even on all levels

Now either A) since @gatsie didn’t vote, @gatsie can break the tie with the deciding vote (if this is the case please tag me in which you choose)

B) If A doesn’t work then I can go back to the 1st match and see which of the 2 scored the most, thus they top the group

Or C) I make the final decision

Need you thoughts on this

It’s Ready


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List 2


Read the above post

Read 1st post

List 3


Read 2 post up


And here I was hoping WFTE would get the win

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Whats your thoughts on the whole thing

I would say to wait for Gatsie if she didn’t vote on that one, but who knows when she will be here next.

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I’d say wait for @gatsie

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That is my first choice but with that being said I can only wait so long before I push on