Badge Collector

Make it happen @TripleXero

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Beg Lorenzo, I can’t do it myself

Do it @TripleXero!!!

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They should just replace the impossible badges with more reasonable ones. And a bunny badge would indeed be much appreciated.


See, what I tell ya @TripleXero

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AND! A grumpy bear badge would be appreciated too

Everybody should customize their own badge.

If you do that, does it mean that you automatically earn said badge?



But how can you earn something you already have access to? In order to modify it you need to already have it. :wink:

Don’t question the @lp13413 (andies)

@TripleXero! Teach us how! Every question about things we come to you. Web guru.


Only the forum staff can do it, I said that before

Bad @TripleXero

(Snaps @TripleXero neck)


By creating your own badge, you get granted a “creativity” badge or a “badge maker” badge as well. How about something like that?

@gatsie go and have a look you got the regular badge still, I saw your icon while looking last time

YAY! I must’ve regained the regular badge then. because I swear it was gone a few days ago. But yay :smiley:

Thanks for alerting me buddy @The_early_walker :wink:

@gatsie - so where it is? Only empty spaces beneath your name :flushed:

now I’m confused :confused:

@gatsie: now it´s clear seen right beneath your name, a place wgere this badge title is meant to be, are you going to church chor today singing? :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Yeah I changed the settings in my profile so now the badge is visible for all I think :slight_smile: So happy with my badge bahagaha :stuck_out_tongue:

This is funny cause I was indeed in church Sunday [2 days ago] and now I have to go again today :slight_smile: Prepping for Christmas :smiley:

right now? and how this man acted to ya? kinda excusion?

What man? I’m not sure what you mean, sorry? :flushed: