Appeal of Brazilian fans

The confirmation of the coming of Linkin Park in Brazil caused an uproar among fans, many dream of the day will witness the show of your favorite band. Brazil is a huge country and the cost to travel within it most often costs more than to go traveling out of it. The audience of North and Northeast is huge, the proof is shows like Iron Maiden, Alanis Morissette, Paul McCartney and The Black Eyed Peas. And already have dates for the return of Alanis Morissette and also show the band Evanescence. The north and northeast are already discriminated within the country, making most bands not even have a chance to know this incredible part of our Brazil. But the fan base here is so great, that can equal the number of fans in South and Southeast with ease. To that end, I’m here on behalf of this great mass of fans, ask for an extra Linkin Park concert in Recife, Pernambuco. The locomotion within the north and northeast is more accessible to all who want to go. Recife, for being one of the largest cities in the Northeast and already have experience in hosting major concerts, may offer to everyone, including the band, very good time, the return for the fans and the band were undeniably high.

It would be great! I’m from Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, but I know that the Northeast, North and Midwest are forgotten by the bands sometimes.