Any way I can vote for AMAs without a FB acct?

Please help! I would like to vote and #makechesterproud. :sunglasses::metal:


Do you have a twitter account?

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Yes. Tried there too and it rerouted me to log in with my FB account once I got to the point to submit my vote.

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I think that you can vote using hashtags… Check Mikes tweet :slight_smile:

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Hey to vote by twitter post this once a day and retweet others to help to share:

I’m voting for @linkinpark for Favorite Artist Alternative Rock at the #AMAs!
Vote here: @AMAs

You can try to create a FB account to help too… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::relaxed:

Can u vote on the ama on there site too or just fb. And Twitter don’t have either one. ?

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Wish it was that simple. Mike’s tweet brings me back to the same place. AHHHHH! Frustrating. Ugh. :cry:

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