Any other bands you guys love to hate?

I saw a ranking on the Internet: bands people love to hate.It is interesting and l want to share with your guys.


I love to hate One Direction lol


Unpopular opinion: Muse.

There are others, but I can’t be bothered to think of them right now.

WHAATT?? Why? You never mentioned that before

I’ve always found them annoying, their vocalist especially, way too much of a squeaker.

His unique sounding voice is partially why I like them so much. And the music itself is great!

Wrong topic for that. :sunglasses: :kissing_heart:

I confess I’m with @the_termin8r on that one.

I would love to like muse. Love the pics of the live shows. And I tried. But no.


Camilla Cabello & Shawn Mendez - can’t stand that Mickey Mouse voice of her on their collab song Senorita - should appear sweet and sexy but it’s only annoying and :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


I don’t even know who those people are. :joy:

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Lol :joy:- you don’t miss anything :stuck_out_tongue:

I can tell.

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:scream::exploding_head::cry::pleading_face: but…but…I like singing her squeaky part :pleading_face:

Ok maybe you right…but I just imagine another voice :grin::joy:

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Squeaky bat??? OMG :open_mouth: thaaat… thaaat is frighteningly scaring :scream: nooooooooo :running_woman:t3:

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:rofl: supersonic squeaky :roll_eyes:

It’s in an ironic way :roll_eyes::crazy_face::joy:

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: :hugs:

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I love to hate on pop “bands” and artists, e.g. Taylor Swift, One Direction, Justin Gayber just to name a few

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:laughing: :laughing: :rofl: :laughing:

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I loved Panic at the disco back in 2005-2006. Now i don’t like them. Only the old songs. The new songs are just to ‘pop’ and i heard ‘High Hopes and Hey look ma, I made it’ to many times… get a little sick of it to hear those songs over and over on the radio. :neutral_face: