Any music artists/ song writers?

It’s ashame that I am only a lyricist and not much a musician or singer :persevere:

you should try out some DAW’s and just play around a little. That’s how I started.

DAWs? Not to sound stupid but…whats that?

Digital Audio Workstation. Basically a music/beat making/producing software.

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Can it be used on a smartphone

There’s a wide range of apps to choose from. iPhones have garage band installed, maschine is great, wavemachine, keezy (free), korg(?) something (can’t remember the name now) and many more… you can get pretty basic mpcs actually.

EDIT: Totally forgot about Stagelight (which you’ve probably heard of before). Super easy to use and free.

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like EvoOba said, Stagelight from Open Labs is available for android. I haven’t tried it yet though, so I can’t tell you what I think about it

I’ve been a musician since age 10 (26 currently) and have recorded, in primitive fashion because I don’t know shit about recording or producing, 10~20 of my own creative songs. They are all on youtube and most have lyrics. They typically just have my guitar and singing attempts because I just play guitar and have no good way of making a full band sound.

A couple:

I like your guitar playing. Nice lyrics too. Maybe you could work on your singing a little, or maybe you need a better mic. Overall I think Symbiotic sound better.

Very nice of you to give me feedback. I’m an extremely quiet and reserved person, and I think my voice just isn’t used to projecting and sounds weird when I try to sing. Not really a talent. Also let’s just say I didn’t “splurge” on my mic or anything. It’s a cheapo.

You’re welcome!
It’s cool though that you’ve recorded vocals even though you are “quiet”.
Keep on creatin music :slight_smile:

My first cover:

I’m not a musician at all but I try to create instrumental songs on Stagelight app. I’ve made 1 song with it and 3 songs in progress. I do it just for fun.

I use Stagelight too. If you’d like to share your music, post a link to your track

Hi everyone,

here are some new old tracks:

A little soundtrack I made for a friend’s short film (that is still in progress):

I’m working on a concept album and my biggest project right now, so it may take till the end of this year to record and create content.

Keep up the creativity!

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New track in yet another musical style:

Thanks @OLi_LPU for the feedback! I’ll make sure to check out your new song as well.

Yesterday I mentioned this track on PlugDj but I don’t know if all of you guys noticed :slight_smile:


Personally, I am not particularly good relating to anything regarding music, so my feedback will probably be useless. Having said that, I personally really liked it and found the music to be relaxing. I loved the piano! Excellent!

thank you for the compliments!
BTW Feedback is never useless

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how nice… just like a day at the sea… great done @Rick_van_Meijel, love the chillfactor in it :blush:

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I’m not good with feedback either, but I liked it :slight_smile: I gotta go through your other stuff too.

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