Album recommendations thread:

Jeez you guys xD
Yes, Bring Me The Horizon. I once tried to listen to them but they were too screamo for my taste. They say now that their latest album is great and nothing like the previous stuff so I as wondering6if anyone has heard it and has an opinion.

They were deathcore/metalcore band back in the day, on the Sempiternal they did more mature and not that heavy songs (compare something from their first albums to something from Sempiternal), and now they did a rock album, wtf… Some good songs on “That’s The Spirit”, but for a rock band, not for a band which did something like “Sempiternal”. Yes, I like Sempiternal, especially “Can You Feel My Heart”, “Empire”, “Crooked Young” ^^
But now they became so shitty. I’m not talking about changing their style, but about using playback. Sykes, seriously?

I’m not familiar with them at all so I can’t really say but my question is, is the new album worth it? Playback? You saw them live and they playback? I’ve only heard good words for Oli, he seems very passionate about his music too.

No, check out performance of “Throne” from Reading 2015

I will! Thanks :slight_smile:

And what?

Uhm, I’m listening their newest album right now. I’m on “What You Need”. Only 2 or 3 good songs so far. :expressionless:

Haven’t listened yet. I have a long list I need to go through. I probably do so in the weekend, I unfortunately have lots going on this week and not much time to sit down and listen to new music.

To be honest Bring Me the Horizon is a little too light for me, but me being me, I’m more black and heavy metal than anything, but occasionally I enjoy the industrial scene. But at least Bring Me the Horizon is recruiting more metalheads :laughing:

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Thank you guys, this last quarter of the Topic is inspiring me to give other bands a chance, I couldn´t listen right now to all these examples, not alone, but I will as soon as possible…

Light? Hmm ok. When I listen to them I’ll post my thoughts…

BMTH is great - like Sempiternal the best… new album is different, but still some great songs - Happy Song, Throne

Others that I love to listen to
Breaking Benjamin - new album is Dark before Dawn, also Dear Agony and Phobia
Three Days Grace - One X and Human
Sleeping with Sirens - With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear
Falling in Reverse - The Drug in me is You
Flyleaf - New Horizons
Paramore - Riot
Amity Affliction - Let the Ocean Take Me

Yeah also listen to Slipknot, Stone Sour and Mice & Men

its a bit of a mix!

thanks for the Phedora tip @amitrish

It was me, I recommended Phedora! :smiley:

AHHHHH apologies, my mistake :laughing: :grinning: thanks so much @xTirea

Finally listened to everything… Not much to say tbh.

@BELL_LP Breaking Benjamin’s new album is good and I still can’t stand Paramore (it probably has to do with the fact that I don’t like female vocalists and not the music itself).

@Logan_Canada_Johnson Marilyn Manson was never my cup of tea. Behemoth is pretty brutal but I’ve heard they suck live and are awful as people so that’s a huge con for me. AFI is great, I like a lot of their songs but I wouldn’t listen to them on a regular basis.

Lastly, I did listen to the new BMTH album as well. I thought it was too pop for my taste and it surprised me since their previous stuff were so much different. I still don’t understand why a lot of people say that it sounds like LP. I don’t see any similarities.

credit to where it’s due, i didn’t recommend Phedora.

If you’re into metalcore or are familiar with Atreyu, listen to their new album. I just got done listening myself and it’s so damn good! I’m so glad these guys are back!

I like it! thanks!!

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