About the 200 posts Party on OUATR(3) [Vertraulich]

Keep me warm cuz I’m slowly freezing :shiver:

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:hugging: ALWAYS

Yes you posted this lady before.

Refugees Welcome indeed (I remembered in the MV she graffitied that), yup the refugees wear more clothing than all the other people around them.

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Warm night to you

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No, it’s getting colder :snowflake:

@theearlywalker do you have an African female friend?

I dreamt that the two of you were conversing with each other in German, while I tried to write down y’all words. At first she was talking about some Vernetworkezein problems I think, then some sort of Kraft, and then the conversation got faster and faster until I couldn’t catch up.

The previous time I dreamt of you with her, y’all were together with a group of other female friends at a round dinner table.

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Morning :joy: LOL I dreamt of fire :fire: hahaha and nope :-1: no African friend! Ya warm?

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What exactly was you dream? And by African, I meant ethnically black.

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Yes got this, first thing I thought:You met [spoiler]and my darkside[/spoiler] inya dream! but this a bit political incorrect to write, thats why it is spoiled :smiley:
[spoiler]my dream was about warming up, really, m, don t laugh! :stuck_out_tongue: [/spoiler] but tell me: was it a nice dream?and you had another role than writing in it?:joy::sunglasses:

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My role was actually eavesdropping, I was hiding behind your back sofa while the two of you were talking to each other :blush:

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hahaha, :grin:next time you can have a seat on the sofa ok?

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lol I was eavesdropping on y’all, I think y’all found out hence the conversation became so fast I couldn’t comprehend at all.

yes and what you got sounds more dutch then german! :slight_smile: Snow and sun on ya side?

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I dunno, ask gatsie :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes there’s a little bit of sunlight

have to clean up a mess :scream: of stuff and rubbish now…


I’ve to go to the dentist in three hours. :fearful:

wtf… hopefully no big story… ya prepaired? breath in and out etc? :smiley:

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Now it’s two and a half hours to the dental appointment. Hopefully you didn’t jinx it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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you will be fine :innocent:

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Two hours left. Leaving the house right now (will be eating first)

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