About the 200 posts Party on OUATR(3) [Vertraulich]

yes, was meant to become a book, but… lol, hope you get me?

Seems like double bind in a double bind in a double bind…

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with a lots of doubble bind on top, so you see!!! :smiley:

It all goes full circle, doesn’t it?

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yes seems to, me :shower:

cya :wink:

Hey! Hope ya feel better soon - I hate fever! :-1: @samuel_the_leader

Forgot to post:

very nice sky :slight_smile:

@theearlywalker Does your parents support any alternative (not sure what word to use) political parties?

no, but if so, they would support the middle, not the outter right side! But it is a massive movement in the countries, even here, to massive right powe! Still fever? @samuel_the_leader

The medication has suppressed the fever.

My father has expressed his discontent to me, on why are there so many Muslims around us nowadays, many times. So I wonder…

this even, what IS and taliban like us christians to be: frightened, closed and kinda …dunnow, but I would like to go into future, where it is going too… everything :smiley:

And what future do you envisage?

Are you absolutely sure?

what is absolutely sure Sam?:grin: nothing I guess, but they are workers, the middle was their base ever, but uhhh -why we talk about my parents?this early?no, btw have to call my mother, she is ill to…

I’ve headache again.

yes, this a symptom… rest… and you know my opinion: take a painkiller, none need to stand headache and a lot of water will help soon hopefully…feel huged and cuddled :blush: what kinda emo this? I choose blush…how ugly this square pant

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Spongebob again lol @theearlywalker

yes seems XVI sets new emotjis… hope you feel better soon,you know,yesterday I got fever too, so at about three o clock I ve been talking to my boss this:
Me: I feel kinda ill, I go home now!

she looked at me , and says: Yes, you look like!
I ask her if I look this shit and she answered: YES … lol funny this bitchy boss…