About the 200 posts Party on OUATR(3) [Vertraulich]

Samuel…what a process, last time the legs…this time even more …mb face next time??? :wink:
finally good night my soulmate @samuel_the_leader :kissing_closed_eyes:

Too femme & tight yup. Can’t believe I went out in that outfit.

I’m thinking too much now:

Hahaha - about what Dude?

Must you always Guten Morgen like this?

if tit…s bring you sooo outta concept then, yes, I have to, you know this ? I am normally real well on morningtimes and laughing is healthy, anyways… good morning Dude, have to leave soon, but this must be

the sky cloudy again?
edit: have a nice day :hugging: @samuel_the_leader

good morning!

actually this beer calls “König Ludwig” :stuck_out_tongue:

You can’t really see it, but there’s a reddish maimed patch on my finger. :frowning:

Good Morning! Lil sensitiv Skin reaction this! :smiley: nice To Meet you!



Good morning @samuel_the_leader :slight_smile:

The last few nights were carried away by this:

(Cuz I always keep losing, except for in this screenshot)

what is this pic showing?
online gaming?

Not online, no.

on your own? :slight_smile:


And an hour ago I ate six potatoes, cuz I realised that the potatoes were about to develop “eyes”.

Now I wonder how I’m gonna eat again in one and a half hours…

housewifes hint allowed, how to deal with boilt potatoes?

No, I already ate them. Ate them an hour ago already.

