The last time I got to meet Chester and the guys from Linkin Park in a Meet and Greet. Already over 2 1/2 years ago… I remember talking to Chester, asking him to send a Memo to my girlfriend, as she is such a fan of his and the band. Sadly the security and LPU crew cockblocked us. Nevertheless, I had a nice conversation with him, making each other laugh, dragging out as much time with him as possible until the security forced him to move on. When it was time for the group picture, I fought myself to the front, hoping Chester will sit beside me, and he really did. It made me happy and it was a huge honor to me. I didn’t want to have another generic M&G picture, I wanted this to be unique. So I photobombed him with bunny ears. One of the many memories I have thanks to Linkin Park and will cherish for the rest of my life.
As stupid as it may look or sound, as Chester was, theoretically speaking, pretty much a stranger, since we only talked and met through Meet and Greets, this has hit me really hard. No wonder… For 18 years he is a part of my life. It feels like an old friend and an idol just passed away. I grew up to his music. Thanks to Linkin Park I managed to overcome many dark phases of my life as your music always found a way to make me smile and your lyrics often guided me through them; I managed to find friends, which has never been an easy thing to me; I managed to find joy and happiness and, finally, managed to find the love of my life, with whom I am happily together with for over 6 years. Waking up, realizing that such a significant person of my life is gone forever, is hard. Especially when you just overcame another huge loss you had before… Everything has and will change. The music will not be the same, traditions I had are most likely gone and are partly gone for sure. Ways of finding happiness and something to look forward to, also going to change. This all pains me, too.
This post is not supposed to be the stereotypical attention seeking mourning post, I do not want that nor do I need that. I usually do not even post about myself on any kind of social media as my life is none of other people’s business (kinda missing the point of social media, eh?). Especially when dark clouds are over me. But this time, it is different, because this post is dedicated to Linkin Park, Chester, whereever he may be now, his family and to myself to never forget today / yesterday. I know the chances of any of them reading this is low af. And I am ok with it. After all, they never knew that they were there for me for 18 years to begin with. So I can also express my feelings to Linkin Park, even without them seeing this. I can return the favor and be there for them, although they might never know about it. And if this is the only way for me to do so, then ofc I will do so. I owe you so much, this is the least thing I can sadly do.
I remember in 2010, there was a “Thank you Linkin Park” contest I participated in on Holding up a sheet of paper on which you wrote what you thank them for (I uploaded that picture, too)… I want to do that again…
Therefore, thank you Linkin Park & Chester for being such a significant part of my life. Thank you for everything you have done for me, without even knowing what you did. Thank you also for doing the same to the millions of fans you have. Thank you for letting me meet you in person, it was always an honor to me. Thank you for helping me growing up and be the person I am today. Thank you for introducing me to music and all its advantages. There are so many things I could write ahead about, but I am lost for words… I am heartbroken and shocked. My condolences to everyone affected by this tragedy. Rest in Peace, Chester.