Getting ready for to you devour
Pulling me in with your evil power
Haunting my soul every hour
You’re tormenting me
Connoting me with your evil spell
With my life at the bottom of a well
Stolen from me
Ripped from right undernenth
And every second it’s harder to breath
It’s getting harder to stay awake
And even harder to stay in my earlier state
It’s getting harder to find a reason for me to stay
It’s getting darker for me in the day
With a dark cloud following me wherever I go
With my soul and heart being stabbed with the end of a bow
I can’t go on like this anymore
I only see my life is a never ending chore
And the light and will has burned out
Hoping I can find a new route
Because I have this fear
And I am crying out every tear
I have loss all my will
And pain is all I feel
And my heart will never heal
Ready to step into the fire
Because I am handing on a wire
And I am losing my grip
And now I am about hit
But you u are held back, and are told to sit
Why are you isolating yourself in a pit?
Grab this candle and have it lit
A helping hand is within reach
Let me throw some wisdom at you through this speech
Where I will help you bleach
The darkness and turn it to white
And with this wisdom you may just smite
All these demons, and everything will be alright
The darkness will be consumed by the light
Go on, don’t be in fright
I’ll give you a hand to make things right
Let those begotten thoughts leave your mind
They are not you, but are behind
All your sadness, don’t be confined
Let the mental torture escape
Let your power and will take shape
Aren’t you curious as to what’s behind the drape
I put this here and not in my own thread because I wasn’t the only one that worked on it and @Woco21 deserves a honor for helping me with it