A little laughter never hurts







This is why I haven’t had a best friend since 2009. :rofl:

really? That’s kinda sad dude :worried:



Why? I don’t see anything wrong with it and I don’t see my life being any less miserable with a best friend. I haven’t actually kept friends for more than 4 years before a complete friend reset. My current group are close to being first on that leaderboard :joy:.








I’ll be your best friend! :grinning:

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Cheers, but my solitude is actually mostly by choice. Lol

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Lol. Hope you’re good any I’ll WA you tomorrow as I’m off to bed early as doing an extra shift tomorrow:(

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I don’t want people misunderstanding my post as a cry for help. :joy:

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That sounds serious :exploding_head: you can WA me any time :muscle:

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Does nobody read anything I post? I said I’m fine. :joy:


But, but I’m fine just means I’m fucked. :flushed:

You know I tell it like it is and I’m deliberate with my words. For me fine means fine :joy:. Besides, I’ve often found that I’m the only one that can help me (not that I need any).

The reason I haven’t kept friends for more than 4 years are purely circumstantial. I knew my best friend from years 2 to 6 in primary school (the school only went to year 6). We then both went to different schools and stopped communicating, that was it. I’m that person that will cut all ties unless you get in touch with me, I don’t go out of my way to get in touch with anyone, regardless of who it is.

I was in a new school for year 7 and then went to a different high school for years 8 through 11 (year 7 school only went up to year 7). High school was a shitstorm of stupidity. Kind of where the terminator facade came about. Deliberately distnaced myself from most interraction. There were some placeholder idiots that I’d occasionally piss about with, but that was it. I was smart not to get caught with them. The end of high school couldn’t come quickly enough.

College was only 2 years so no point in making any real friends there. Not to mention I’ve learned to make friends with people smarter than me. When I’m the smartest person in a room of 15, you know there’s something very wrong. I was more a vending machine for answers in college. They need an answer, I give it to them. I shot down any attempts of getting ‘closer’.

After college it was uni and you’re all caught up. Fair amount of people I know, some friends and only a handful of what I’d consider close (that’s close by my definition lol). I generally don’t like people and seek to distance myself. I’ve always been independent and liked rolling solo. It’s why I’ve never had a girlfriend, never bothered going out of my way to look for someone. I’ve always felt like I’ve had more interesting things to do.

Outside of uni and the LPU I have no friends…quite literally. And that’s the way I like it. I don’t see anything wrong with it either. People sometimes feel sorry for me, I really don’t see why. If anything I kind of feel for them because they’re the ones that often become codependent and can’t handle being alone.



I see…
Would you say that this pattern of rejecting attachment is derived from your early life prior to the uk? :face_with_monocle:

These dreams about beating up those close to you, tell me more :face_with_monocle:

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I was kidding, but thanks for your answer.
I sure not feel sorry for you.
But I think, you are a great guy, no matter what.

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Well isn’t SONEONE needy for friendship :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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