A little laughter never hurts

I know it cuz of…


Y’all are free to beat me with baseball bats and banish me now lol

The sign is still funny imo
image image


If I am to refer another pop song, “No fighting, Shakira, Shakira”.






My neighbor looking for his truck bed;
Me in my bedroom chillin like:

Need me a 8ft bed off a king ranch :rofl:




That’s terrible

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It’s a Spice Girl and Blink 182 song actually, hence why the singer from Blink posted it.

@the_termin8r Ask Mark.

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No. The jokes are apt. Anyway, I am prepared to be reported again. :sunglasses:

I had absolutely no idea about the Blink182 part. Thanks for the update.

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You’ve never heard this song? :confused:

Not in the slightest. Bad humor isn’t humor, it’s just being a bad person.

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No. Do you think if I knew about Blink182 I would have mentioned Spice Girls?

Well, it is about individual taste and I understand some may not like it.

Offence is taken, not given. And I am not going to take any. :upside_down_face:

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Oh, you’d like Blink 182 I think. I’d recommend the album Nine and California. Let me know if you listen?

You’re not a bad person for sharing a joke. It’s obviously just a joke and some people on here think they’re fucking saints.

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Can you cut your own bullshit out as well? Please
Tried being polite about it telling you that attitude is grinding

Reading comprehension


Nah, some of us just actually have a heart beating in our chests and give a damn when we need to. It’s called being human and having compassion.

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Please don’t act like you know me. You’re trying to summarise my character and my flaws, yet we’ve only had a handful of conversations which were several months ago now. You don’t know me at all. So don’t tell me what’s wrong with me or how I should change to fit in. That’s the bullshit. Also, if someone shares some good news on your thread the polite thing to do would be to say thanks, not be unnecessarily negative.

Don’t call someone a bad person because they shared a joke (which they clearly didn’t create) on a thread about jokes. If that’s the viewpoint here, then why are we joking about the coronavirus given it’s killed more people? We shouldn’t joke about anything. Don’t pretend to be a saint because now you’re offended. You’ve all shared something that would offend someone out there. Fuck it.

Yes, I’m sure sharing a joke which is clearly about the recent gender reveal parties being over the top, and having another joke within the comments section is completely inappropriate on a joke thread. It doesn’t make the person sharing it any less human. It’s a fucking joke!

That’s a bit far there, mate.

I think it’s a bit far to call someone a bad person for sharing the joke. He/she is clearly not a bad person. I don’t even think the joke is being offensive as it relates to the recent gender reveal parties gone mad. It’s clearly a joke. Anyway, I’m sure if it’s too far the moderators will delete. Happy for them to delete my comments I’m not precious about them.

I’m not summarizing a thing
I’m pointing out the top of the iceberg which is all that’s needed to see what a disliked person you can be
I’ve no problems with the joke, yes it’s insensitive. Sure it’s bullshit to do it the day of. I’m the one that jokes about Hiroshima/Nagasaki or who’ll call out a German as a nazi just to eff around
I’m no saint nor do I claim to be
Idgaf if I’m liked or not and that’s the difference
For the most part people do without me pandering or farming for likes or whatever the hell you wanna count

Did I mention the joke @amitrish put up? No. As an author I’d expect once more, reading comprehension. Figure out what you’re arguing before saying a peep

If I’m saying anything to you it’s because I’m fed up-in the few days I’ve been back- with that irritating contempt for anything other than yourself
If you whine and moan about people not talking music, why the f are you still here? Lmao
Talk all you want but you wanna try to fit in
That stick up yours doesn’t seem to let you click with people though

Get the hint
It’s not the joke
I’m not going off on amitrish am I?
Contrary to you’re sticking point, no we’re not saints
We’ve all done shit and offended plenty of people
I say it time and again
We’re here cuz of something whether past present or future
We’ve all got skeletons in our closets but we accept one another for it
Do the same or bounce

Fuck the joke lol
I didn’t like it, I didn’t click the like button
Move on don’t come with those pissy little comments like you do everywhere Tina

I don’t know why you keep tagging me if you’re fed up or dislike me. I’ve barely said anything to you. I feel like you want me to say more. I only check this site when I get notifications so the less I get the less I’ll check. :laughing:

This would also make you a bad person, but I guess you’re exempt from the rules? I haven’t seen many jokes that are a bit close to the bone, but if I do I generally ignore them rather than call that person a bad person for posting a joke on a joke thread. That’s just the kinda jerk I am.