A little laughter never hurts

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Here’s another anecdote of me doing something stupid and it working. This only happened this morning at 03:30. :joy:

I was preparing to go to bed, so I went to close my windows. Turns out I had opened them farther than I could reach with my hand, no big deal, happens often. Did the usual of grabbing my scissors and using them to get the window handle into the thumb-hole of the scissors. Only this time, even the scissors couldn’t reach. I was holding them right at the end and they slipped out of my hand, falling onto the kitchen roof.

At this point I’m on a mission to retrieve my scissors from the roof. There’s only two real ways to do that. 1) Go downstairs into the garage/shed thing (I don’t even know what you’d call it because it’s a bit of both, it’s garage sized and made of brick, but only has one human door) and get a ladder. 2) Climb out of the window.

Obviously I picked the second option. That meant I (all 90kg of me) had to climb onto my cheap, mostly hollow, Ikea desk that is already bowed from the weight of my monitors. Once on the desk (on my knees), I had to climb over my monitors and onto the windowsill (from the kneeling position with the monitors 10cm away) and then out of the window. I got the scissors, climbed back in, closed the windows and climbed back over.

Remember, all of this is at 03:30 trying not to break anything or wake anyone. :joy:

Here’s a picture of what I’m talking about (A4 sheet for size reference).




Typical Rob!! :joy::joy:




I believe a mobile fridge is called an ice cream van. :joy:


It begs the question why not just close the window using the desk to start with? All that gaming has given you a death wish. So many screens for two tiny eyes!

I don’t understand what you mean by that.

I don’t game anymore. Also, how would it give me a death wish? And how would you have done it? lol

People keep saying this until they actually sit down to use a mult-screen setup and realise that it’s really convenient. My sister was like that until I let her work on my laptop so she could see why she was wrong. :joy:



To close the window?

You had a game on all the screens?

It’s bad for your eyes, when you get older you’ll realise the damage done.

Yeah. How do I close a window with a desk?

That’s just my wallpaper.

How is it worse than having one screen? I’m only ever looking at / focusing on one at a time.

I think she’s referring to picking up the entire desk and maneuvering it so that one of its legs pulls the window closed. It probably gives you more reach than the scissors.




I wish I could unsee this.

Bez tytułu




Yes… desk legs to pull a window closed over using scissors. Bigger issue if the desk falls out the window though…


@the_termin8r I wanna see you do this next time :unamused:


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I can’t flip my desk. All the power cords from everything on the desk go to a power bar that is mounted to my shelves. My audio switch that is on the desk is connected to my HiFi which is on the shelving. I flip the desk, I essentially destroy 3 or 4 grand of tech because everything is pretty much tied together either by cables or zip ties.

Love, I meant move the desk to lean further out the window as you were using it to get your fallen scissors instead. Everything else is a joke, so laugh damnit.